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So it was really fun coming up with the routine for break up song and we have some new music coming up we were allowed to be in the studio which is nice

"Bloody hell babe your up early" Jade said as I was making breakfast for Jade and I we are going to film holiday

"Yeah been chilling with hatchi and making you breakfast thought it would be nice, Babe have you noticed something is off with Jesy" I asked

"Definitely she's been off with all of us" Jade replied

Who knows what's going on with Jesy we were getting ready to go to the studio when Jade turned around to me and said

"Babe I've got you something" she said kissing me

I looked at her smiling as she came downstairs with a grey and white..... "PUPPY" I shouted

Oh my god can't believe my jadey she wasn't to keen on dogs even though she loves hatchi but I don't care

"So the puppy is a he and he's had all his checks and we will have to see what he's like with hatchi" Jade laughed

"Aww he's adorable I want to call him travis" I said smirking as I pulled her in closer

"I have something for you aswell but we are going to be late" I whispered kissing her a deep kiss which go heated very quickly


We arrived at the studio "running late edwards" Leigh laughed

"Sorry someone was very irresistible" i smirked grabbing jades ass

"You cheeky bitch" Jade whispered

I just laughed

"Ok Jesy make up" Heidi said smiling

Jesy went to get her hair and make up "Leigh do you think somethings wrong with Jesy" Jade whispered

"Hmmm definitely but we can't be seen talking about her as we know what's she's like" Leigh whispered back

"We need to talk about it with her " I said

"What the fuck are you lot talking about" Jesy said

"Well your the one keeping secrets" Jade replied

"Why don't you just drop it all of you" Jesy said

"We are concerned and don't talk to Jade like that" i said

"Clearly your not if your talking about me" Jesy snapped

"Perries right we are concerned about you and we want to talk to you and that you have been distant with us we just wanted to help you" Leigh said sadly

Jesy stomped off I just sighed

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