Chapter 8

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One day

Sid came home from office like a normal day and bid bye to Sam. He spent time with Ash. After dinner, he went to washroom. Ash was sitting on floor playing. As she saw him coming out of washroom, she stood up and started walking towards him slowly with the help of wall. Sid kept towel on chair.

Ash: Papa

He looked at her and sat down on knees opening his arms with a wide smile on his face. His heart was beating fast.

Sid: Aaja mera bacha

She walked towards him continously saying papa.

Sid: Come baby. Very good

Her feet tripped and she felt down. She started crying.

Sid: Awww. Get up. Get up

Sid: Owwiee ye to papa ki strong doll hai. Uthjao chlo. Good baby

She stopped crying and slowly got up started walking further.

Sid: Come come

She came near him and he picked her up and hugged her tightly.

Sid: Very good baby. Papa love you so much

He stood up and twirled her. She clapped her hands. He kissed her chubby cheeks. He rubbed his nose with hers. She giggled and he smiled. He loved to hear her giggles because they were same as his Avni and secondly he lived only for this smile.

He gave her chocolate as a reward for first steps. He fed her and she happily ate. He made her sleep.

Sid: Avu Avu Avu. Angel took her first steps

He said jumping here and there in happiness holding her photo.

Sid: I am sooooo soooooo sooooooo happy today. She came to me slowly. I was so happy

He hugged the photo.

Sid: I know we both wanted to sit down and see her walking towards us but God didn't want that. But I know you would have seen her for sure and you must also be so happy right? Obviously you will be

He talked with her for hours. This was one of his important things in whole which he never forgets whether he is happy, sad, angry. No matter what he never failed to spend time with his love.

To be continued

Question: Any confessions/guilt you have

Stay tuned for next chapter

LOVE OF MY LIFE CALLS ME DAD {COMPLETED} ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now