Chapter 58

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Ash and Pri were chatting. Sid set the table.

Ash: My exams are starting next month 

She said making faces. Pri laughed at her.

Ash: Don't laugh😑😑😑😑

Pri: Ok ok sorry. All the best

Ash: Yee thanks

Sid: Achha what about you and Dev?

Pri: What about us?

Sid: When are you two getting married? I am asking this from last 2 years

Pri: Yup we are thinking by the end of this year

Sid: Yups great

Ash: Dev mamu?

Sid: Hmm. Chlo have your breakfast

Ash: Yep

Sid: Chlo bye madam

Pri: Bye bhayia. Bye baby

Ash: I miss you all so much

Pri: We miss you too baby. Don't worry we will meet very soon

Ash: Okie dokie. Byee. Love you

Pri: Love you tooo

Pri gave her a flying kiss and she acted like catching it.

Pri: Take care baby. Bye

Sid cut the call. They both had breakfast. He dropped her to school.

Sid: Don't panic. If there is any problem, tell your teacher. Ok?

Ash: Papa just chill. I am perfectly fine. I don't want you to always take tension. You just go to office and don't worry about me

Ash kissed his cheeks. Sid smiled and kissed her forhead.

Ash: I love you papa. Now don't worry about me and takecare of yourself. Bye

Sid chuckled.

Sid: Ok bye. You too take care and love you

Sid left. Ash shooked her head.

Ash's P.O.V.

That's my dad. Always worried about me. I keep telling him. Don't take too much tension. Don't be so much stressed. You will fall sick. Par nhi. He is always worried about me. Now how can I let my papa fall sick. I love him so much.

Yee he also does. He is such a sweetheart. Always care about me. Whenever I say him thank you. He just say don't say thanks to papa. He is my bestest friend. He plays with me, teases me and sometimes irritates also😑😑😑😑

But still thank you so much for everything dad. Though he scolds me many times but also is awake whole night when I am not well. He doesn't eat till eat. He gets worried if I even if I get a chotu sa scratch and scolds me for not taking care. The best dad ever.  Love you papa but just don't take so much tension. Hehe.

Too much thinking. Let's go to class now. Bye see you guys later.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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LOVE OF MY LIFE CALLS ME DAD {COMPLETED} ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now