Chapter 3: Just For The Night

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I know this is super late (not for my new readers), but I've found a sountrack for this chapter. It's on the side. It's No Come Down by Tyler James (UK singer). I'm kind of obsessed with his music lol:)

Amber's POV

Our first day in Ibiza was going pretty good. We were all a bit tipsy and super full from all the tasty dishes we consumed. We all decided to work all the calories off by going clubbing at our hotel's night club. Seev and Nunu wanted to spend some alone time -in their hotel room of course- and my poor Nath got food poisoning. I wanted to stay and take care of him but he knew I wanted to go clubbing badly, so he insisted that I'd do so. So, I got dressed up and met up with the others.

We arrived at the club ready to lose ourselves and get wasted. With no surprise, Max already found eye candy to go flirt with. Tom, Kels, Jay, and I were taking shots and going crazy. Before I knew it, I was on the dance floor showing everyone that my hips don't lie. Jay decided to join me. We were having so much fun that nothing else in the world seemed to matter.

Jay and I got closer and closer. As we danced together he held my waist and my back was pressed against him while my arms were wrapped around his perfectly thick muscular neck. I turned around still dancing to see a smile on his face, so I smiled back. Jay was a better dancer than I  thought he was, but then again he did attend dance school.

Our bodies were pressed against each other as I swayed my hips left and right. I knew we shouldn't have been dancing like that, but we were having such a good time. I felt as if I was on top of a cloud with a sexy talll man as my dance partner. Maybe it was because I was really drunk.

We looked into each others eyes with so much passion; that I was sure of. I was in complete bliss. I'd  never felt such a thing before with anyone.

Jay lifted his head to his upper left signaling for us to get out of  the club. We got into the elevator silently. Jay pressed the button with his floor number, still we remained silent. As we got closer to his floor he gently took my hand and I held onto his. We reached his floor and quickly walked to his room with my hand still in his.

He rushed to get the door open. Once it opened up, he pulled me in, shut the door, and pushed me up against the wall.The next thing I knew, our lips were locked. He picked me up with a firm grip on my bum.

He then rushed me over to his bed and threw me on to it. He got on top of me and we continued to make out. It was so passionate, but yet so intense. It was absolutely perfect.

He started kissing my neck as I ran my fingers through his soft fluffy curls, and then that's when it hit me.What we were doing wasn't right at all. I pushed his chest back stopping him from kissing me. He looked at me with confusion.

"I'm sorry but I can't do this" I said.

"It's just for the night. I know it's wrong but I can't help myself. My feelings for you are just too strong for me to sit back and pretend to want us to be nothing more than friends. When we took that car ride to this hotel, the sight of you and Nath giggling together was so perfect that I got a bit jealous. And when he wrapped his arm around you when we all met up at the bar, I felt so angry. That's when I realized I wanted to be with you. I had no intention of making that happened, but when you and I were dancing at the club, I felt an instant connection. You can't deny that you felt the same way" Jay replied.

"Jay, this just can't happen. I'm not this type of girl. Nathan is the one I love. He's also one of your best friends and your band mate. Whatever this is just can't happen."

"But do you really love him, or are you telling yourself to because you want everything to be the way it was before the incident last Christmas. You and I both know your relationship with Nath hasn't exactly been the same since then. So te-"

"Jay stop it. There's nothing you can say to change my mind. We're simply not going through with this. Now, can you please get off of me."

We stared at each other for a minute. I tried to look as serious as possible. It was so hard because everything  he said hit me hard, but I knew I loved Nathan. Our love is what kept us together.

Jay got off of me and sat beside me. I got up, fixed my clothes and hair, and walked out.

Jay's POV

I sat there wandering in my thoughts. I knew she knew what I said was true. If only she could accept the truth.

I just wanted her so badly. I've been denying my feelings for her for so long, but now I'm certain they are real. I just don't know if I'll be able to hold them back now.

Amber's POV

I got back to my hotel room in exhaustion. I walked over to the bed and sat next to Nath as he laid sound asleep. I kissed his forehead causing him to awaken. He smiled but then quickly stopped. "You smell like liquor and cologne" he said. "Well as you can tell I'm just so drunk  that Jay had to carry me to the room. It was a journey trying to walk over to this bed. I'd shower right now but I'm exhausted" I replied.

I got up and undressed myself, put on my pajamas, and went to bed.

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