Chapter 12: C'est La Vie

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Jay's POV

I brought Amber back to her flat. She was somewhat back to normal. Only thing was, I could tell she was uncomfortable around  me. I'd question her, but she's already been through so much, so I'll let her be.

"You want something to drink? I restocked your fridge" I said.

"Really? Wow you're so sweet, but no thanks. Did you clean my flat too?" she asked looking around in shock.

I laughed "Yep, I figured I'd fix everything up so you could relax. It was a lot work. That trip to Ibiza got you lazy didn't it?"

She giggled while saying "Thanks so much. You really didn't have to do all this."

"Actually, I did."

We both sat down on her sofa. She wouldn't allow any part of her body to touch me. She was so tense, but I couldn't figure out why. Now how was I supposed to tell her I'd be living with her for a little while?



"What's wrong? Why are you so tense? Am I making you feel uncomfortable somehow? Is this about Nathan?"

"No, not at all. It's just, you probably think I'm some kind of psychotic freak now."

"I'd never think that."

"Oh come on Jay. I tried killing myself, because I thought the world hated me; although it probably secretly does."

"No it doesn't. Nathan was mad at you which was perfectly normal. If he weren't then that would be a definite problem. None of that matters now, because he's forgiven you and you've forgiven him, right?"

"Yeah, you're right. I'm pretty sure you think I'm crazy though."

"You're not. You've just got a whole lot of things bothering you and you felt like that was the only way for you to be rid of it all. Everyone thinks of suicide now and then, they may not attempt it though. It's really a normal thing."

"So I'm not a total freak?"

I giggled "No, you are not". She leaned over to her side and hugged me. Now that she was comfortable it was time for me to tell her I was now living here. "Amber" I said.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"I know this may sound crazy and all, but I'll be living here with you now till you're better."

She lifted her self off of me. "What?"

"Dr.Brookes said that you're depressed and depression is of course a serious thing. It's what drove you to doing what you did. You've been depressed on and off for many years. So, until she can take you out of the depression  I'll be living here to watch over you."

"I don't think that's such a great idea. Nathan would be flabbergasted and not in a good way."

"Actually, Nathan is perfectly fine with it. I mean sure he doesn't favor me being with you, but he's dealing with it and he knows it's best for me  to stay with you."

"Oh, well uh, I guess I'll make space for you in the room."

"No need. I'll sleep out here on the couch and my clothes will remain in my suitcase."

"Don't be ridiculous. Plus, how would you be able to look over me if won't even be sleeping with me?" She said with a smirk and a wink.

I laughed and shook my head. "Ya know I love you right?" I asked. "Well, you've only told me that a million times" she replied. We both chuckled. She took my hand and held it in hers. "Ya know I love you too right?" she asked. I nodded and then leaned in to kiss her. It was a sweetest and sensual kiss I've ever had.

Nathan's POV

Day's have passed and now Jay's living with Amber. The hospital released her and said she was mentally stable. She was just depressed. It's good to know that she'll be getting the help she needs. Hopefully we can become friends, but not being with her hurts too much. So, I don't think it's possible.

Elanor hates me now. Jay tried not to tell her what I did to Amber, but she forced it out of him. She's extremely happy they're together now. I'd apologize to her for hurting her daughter. It would be pointless though, because she's not exactly a forgiving person and wants nothing to do with me. 'C'est la vie' as the French say.

Don't worry guys. This is not the the end of the story :) Btw c'est la vie is French for that's life.

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