Chapter 18: Lies

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Amber's POV

I turned to my right, opened my eyes, and found Jay staring at me. He'd usually do that in the mornings with a smile on his face, but he looked sad. "Good morning" I said while stretching my arms. I kissed his forehead, walked to the bathroom, and started brushing my teeth. I didn't know what was going on with him and I wasn't in the mood to find out.

He got into the shower with out saying a word. Steam began to rise from the shower, so I hurried  out. I hate steam when I'm not the one taking a shower. It's always so hot and humid and I just hate the feeling of it. It's disgusting and annoying.

After about ten minutes, he walked out the shower with his towel around his waist. I just wanted to take him and throw him on the bed. That would be wrong considering I slept with Nathan last night. Jay stopped and stared at me as I analyzed his body.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm Jay not Nathan."

"What?" I asked shocked that he'd say such a thing.

"For the past two nights you've been uttering a name in your sleep and that name is Nathan. You did last night and the night before."

"That's crazy."

"No that's your self conscious. Now, do you want to tell me why you came home late last night?"

"I uhh, I went over to my mum's after the funeral and dozed off."

"Oh really?"


"Well, I called her yesterday since you weren't answering your phone and she said you left the reception and told her you'd see her tomorrow."

"But, I did go to her house... later on. I went to go visit a friend before I went there."

"I told El to inform me when you'd be at her house."

"Maybe she forgot."

"Maybe she forgot?"

"Yeah. Why would I lie to you?"

"I guess you have a point there. But, why have you been dreaming of Nathan?"

"Maybe because him and I haven't completely worked things out."

"Or maybe because of the kiss."

"Oh please. The only kisses I care about are the ones I share with you." I said with a smile, lying through my teeth.

He smiled and got on top of me since I was laid down on the bed. He kissed my forehead, my nose, and then my lips. Usually he's quite aggressive with kisses, -probably because he can't control his testosterone- but this time it was sweet and gentle, like Nathans. Oh my, how could I be thinking about him in the position I'm currently in? I'm kissing Jay. Jay, the man who lives with me and loves me. I love him as well, but I think I'm in love with Nathan again. I'm so disgusting; how can I love two men at the same time?

Jay detached his lips from mine saying "Amber?"

"Huh?" I replied snapping out of my thoughts.

"Was I boring you or something? You weren't kissing back."

"No, no, not at all. I was just lost in my thoughts."

Jay got up and shook his head. He walked away and continued to get ready for the day. It was already twelve in the afternoon and I wasn't even ready. I was supposed to be at work at this time. I hurried to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Once I was prepared, I stormed out of the house and drove off to work.

"Good evening" I said entering my mum's office.

"You're late once again."

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry about that. I forgot to set my alarm."

"Don't you have an iPhone?"

"Oh yeah, forgot. Then my sound was off" I said with a little laugh.

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