Chapter 22: I Love You...Two

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Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter's a fail. I rewrote and revised it like a thousand times and I've just ended up disappointing myself. Please, please, please tell me what you think. Don't be nice, be honest. I deserve a little critiquing every now and then lol.

Amber's POV

After two days in the hospital I was sent home. I never got to see Nath. Kels told me he was back at his flat. I suppose Jay only told Siva, Nunu, and my mum about what happened. My mum visited me at the hospital and brought it up. I wanted to explain my actions and feelings, but she wouldn't allow me to. She just kept telling me Jay is the one and I'm not a hoe; I've just been toyed with.

I haven't been toyed with. I've known what I've been doing. I was just too stupid and went through with them. I wish my mum wasn't so stubborn.

I've been thinking a lot about the baby and how I'd break the news. I don't think I want to. It'll just make everything worse. Either way, I've got to tell both Nath and Jay. After all, they're both the potential fathers.

Jay's POV

Max requested that I'd stay at the flat, and so I did. I don't talk to Nath. He asks me little questions like if there's milk in the fridge and I respond. The only reason he tries talking to me is because of the apology and because he royally fucked up. At the end of the day, we're all to blame really.

I was watching TV in my room and I heard my phone buzz. It was Amber calling. I didn't even think twice. I just put it on silent and continued watching the program. I should've probably picked up, but I can always deal with her later.

It hurts not being able to be with her. I miss her so much, but I can't even stand the thought of her anymore. She used to be my whole world until she destroyed it. I miss the Amber I fell for. If only she still existed.

Nathan's POV

I never went to go visit Amber at the hospital. I don't even think she knew I was there. It doesn't matter anyway. She got alcohol poisoning because of Jay. He's the one she truly loves, obviously. Elanor was right, so completely right.

My phone began to ring and I looked at the caller ID. It was Amber. I hesitated and then picked up. I was eager to hear her voice again.

"He-Hello" I stuttered.

"Hey Nath. I heard about what happen to you. Sorry I never checked up on you or anything. I found out about the news a little late and never got the chance to see you. How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay. Jay hasn't killed me, so everything's okay. I know you were at the hospital. Meridith told me."


"She was the one who called the ambulance. Your front door was unlocked. She found you unconscious."

"I know I was super drunk, but I know for sure I locked the door. Nareesha was my last visitor. I remember what she said and everything. Then I locked the door and went back to my couch."

"Then how did Meridith get in?"

"I'll just have to find that out for myself. Anyway, I called to apologize about everything. I'm sorry for making things go sour between you and Jay."

"I did that on my own when I kissed you in the rain. To make matters worse, I told Jay we slept together when he confronted me about everything. If anyone should be saying sorry that would be me. Sorry for taking away the one good thing you had in life."

"You didn't and your one of the best things to happen to me. I've put myself in this position."

"Amber, I love you. I always have and always will."

I heard Amber crying through the phone. "I love you too" she said and then hung up. A ball of hope grew in me. Maybe I still have a chance with her.

Amber's POV

I got a hold of myself and stopped crying. I called the boys to tell them I was pregnant, but that didn't happen. I'll tell them soon though. They have a gig next weekend, so I'll just tell them then. There'll be no escape for Jay and most likely no confrontations due to the fact we'd be at a public gathering with cameras all over the place.

Nathan's POV

I drove to Meridith's place and knocked on her door. She opened it and smiled. She invited me in. "Please sit down" she requested. I said " No thank you." I decided to get straight to the point. "I know what you've been up to and I'm here to confront you about it all."

A smirk appeared on her face. "Then shoot."

"First off, how did you get Jay's number?"

"When we had sex at the charity gala, I went through your phone and got his number. I new it would come in handy one day."

I shook my head at the memory of what happened that night at the gala."Why did you go to Amber's and break in?"

She told me the whole story. I replied saying "You're a sick demented psycho."

"Maybe so, but no one is perfect."

"You can do as you please, but just know that I'll never love you. Your just wasting your time. I think you should get some help, like a shrink or something."

She laughed. "You might want to take that back."

"And why in the bloody hell would I ever want to do that?"

"Because, you might just save your life."


"Tell me you love me Nath."

"In your dreams."

"Tell me you love me!"

"Never! How could I ever love you? You a sick disgusting person. You're like the crap I find at the bottom of my shoe. So take a trip to hell and don't come back."

She smirked. "Why don't you tag along with me."

"Like I would."

"You know Nath, I really do try. I've done nothing but satisfy you in anyway possible and you just keep turning me down. You say you don't want to be with me, but you've got no choice. You can runaway from me here, but you can't runaway from me in another dimension."

She took a pocket knife out from her jean pocket and made it pop out of it's covering. She placed it below my chin and against my neck. She did it all swiftly. She pushed my back against a wall and I raised my hands in surrender. My heart was palpitating as I took in the situation and tried to find an escape.

"If you won't love me, then you won't love anyone. I can't wait to see you on the other side" she said. Right when she was going to slit my throat, I took her hand and used all my force to push it away causing her to cut her face. She screamed in pain. In panic, I took the pocket knife out from her hand forcefully, ran out into my car, and drove off. I called the police and headed toward the police station.

Had this just happened? Did this twisted psycho just try to kill me?What has this world come to? Oh boy, I can't wait to see her in an insane asylum.

When I arrived at the station I was taken into an interview room. Investigators asked me what happened and I told them everything. After hours of them going over the whole situation it was all settled. I was set free to live my normal life while they took care of Meridith. Only thing was, it broke news.

I was all over the tabloids and everything. It went on for about a week. Amber of course found out about it all and thanked me. She said it was about time that Meridith was put where she belonged.

It's hard to take in all that's happened. I lost the love of my life and my best friend. Everything good in my life turned into complete chaos. I mean for god's sake, I was almost killed.

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