Chapter 16: For As Long As We Last

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Amber's POV

I looked at the picture. It was of Nathan and I kissing in the rain. Meridith took that picture, no doubt about it."You're soaking wet. Guess you didn't want to bother drying up after that wet kiss in the rain" Jay said.

"How does Meridith know your number?" I asked.

"That's not important and how did you know she sent it to me?"

"That's not important either."

"You're right. What's important is this romantic kiss in the rain with Nathan" Jay replied while pointing at the picture and then finally placing the phone back into his pocket.

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Jay got up and walked up to me. He stared down at me. My heart was pounding and I wasn't quite sure what to say.

"Why were you making out with him?"

"He forced it on me."

"That's why your eyes were closed? That's why you can't even look me in the eyes?"

I looked up at him "I didn't know what to do! He caught me off guard and-"

Jay cut me off "So you just let him continue to kiss you. Why did you go and visit him anyway?"

"Dr.Brookes sent me off to go talk things through with him about our current situation."

"I handled that already."

"Yeah, but it was my turn.We argued and I ran out. He called my name, I turned around, he said sorry, and then he kissed me."

"But you didn't pull away?"

"I was shocked, I was-"

He cut me off again "I was wrong. You still love him. I guess at the time you had fallen out of love with him. So this is what did it huh? Now you're gonna walk away from all that we've fought for, aren't you?"

"What are you talking about? Everything you're saying is nonsense. There will always be a part of me that will love Nath, but I LOVE YOU and i'm IN LOVE with YOU. I won't lie, that kiss brought back memories and I couldn't help but to let him continue kissing me. We broke up literally a few days ago. This isn't easy Jay, but I've chosen you and I'll stick with you through everything for as long as we last."

"I've only hoped we'd last forever, but with Nath in the way I'm probably just kidding myself."

"No you're not, not at all. No one is in the way of us and no one will ever be."

I pulled him into a hug. He did nothing and just stood there like a rock. He gave in and hugged me back. He hugged me so tight as if he were trying to show me he'd never let me go.

Jay's POV

It was night time and we both went to bed and faced opposite directions. I was still kind of upset about what happened today. When is Nathan going to get the picture? I feel bad for stealing Amber's heart but it wasn't purposeful. Nath needs to cool down before stuff gets serious between him and I. I'm not gonna play games when it comes to the one I love.

"Want me to come to the funeral with you?" I asked Amber.

"It's ok, you don't have to."

"I know that, but do you want me to?"

"No I'll be fine. I just wanna go there and get it over with."

"Alright, well goodnight."


Hours passed by as we were asleep and something woke me up. I found Amber laid down across my stomach and chest. It was absolutely adorable. Thinking nothing could ruin this moment, as Amber wandered around in her dreams she said Nathan. Just great! She kisses him and now she's dreaming of him.

This world is being very cruel to me. I think I better sit down and have a long nice chat with Nath. I've got to put him in his place. He shouldn't be doing this to Amber when she's at such a fragile state.

Sorry I know this is shorter than the usual.

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