Chapter 8: It's Pure Chemistry

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I know this is a little late (not for the new readers), but I put a soundtrack for this chapter. It's Single Tear from Tyler James (UK singer). I put the video on the side:)

Nathan's POV

I woke up with a hole in my heart. I couldn't believe what I'd done. Amber deserved it though. She's a heartless piece of shit that I wasted a year and a half with. After all we've been through she just decides to sleep with my friend and pretend nothing happened. I know I messed up, but at least I had a reason, at least I made up for it. She had no reason to do what she did. She's just a selfish bitch who likes to play with guys' emotions.

Amber's POV

I opened my eyes to find Jay staring at me with a smile upon his face. His eyes were glistening from the sunlight beaming through my window. How could I have not realized how insanely beautiful he was before? Not only that, but he's the most amazing person I've ever known and he's got one of the biggest packages I've ever laid my eyes on.

A smile grew upon my face and went from ear to ear. I've never felt so happy before; butterflies are currently fluttering inside me. I heard my phone buzz. I sat up and picked it up from my night stand. My smile quickly withered away. I received a text from Nathan. How could I have just completely forgotten about him? The butterflies flew away and left me with a knot in my stomach.


Meet me at Starbucks in an hour.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked.

"I think you should go" I inquired.

He sighed "Nathan".

Jay got up from the bed and put on his pants. He carried his shoes to the living room to fetch his shirt. I got up and wrapped the sheets around me. I walked into living room and found him putting on his shoes while sitting on the couch. "I'm sorry Jay" I said. He removed himself from the couch.

"I know. You just need some time to yourself to figure things out. That's the only way you'll see who you truly love. I won't bother you anymore. It's time for you to open your eyes and choose so we don't have to keep playing this game" he replied. He walked towards the door and reached for the knob.

I called out his name and he dropped his arm, still facing the door. "I love you too. You're always telling me you love me, so that's my response." He turned to me and grinned. He nodded his head and walked out.

I arrived at the Starbucks cafe and spotted Nathan sitting at a table for two. He was staring out the window while taking a sip -of what was most likely tea- out of his cup. I walked over to the table and sat down."Hey" I said nervously. He looked at me and his eyes pierced into mine. Without a doubt he was upset.

"Where were you last night?" he asked.

"I was at home."

"Why didn't you show up to the gala. I waited for you all night. The boys and I performed there."

"I know."

"Well what you didn't know was that I'd asked your mum not to tell you, because I was going to propose to you during the last song we were going to sing. It was one of your favorites, Made. Jay disappeared, but I knew exactly where he'd gone. He told me that you were going to come, but you never did. That's when I figured it all out. Being that this was your second time sleeping with him since he wasn't in my and the lads flat this morning, I slept with Meridith."

I looked down at my hands. "Meridith went to the gala?"

"Yep, and I went into her."

I looked up at him, my eyes now watery. "How co-, how could you?" I stuttered choking on my saliva as water gushed out of my eyes.

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