Chapter 4: I Love You

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Once again I know this is late (not for my new readers), but my crazy obsession with Tyler James' music is driving me crazy. I've put his song Single Tear on the side as the soundtrack to this chapter:)

Nathan's POV

Amber and I sat at the table in our hotel room's balcony while eating brunch. She looked so beautiful wearing her long colorful flowing strapless dress with a fishtail braid laying on her right shoulder. "Everyone is going to the beach today. I'm sure you'd love for us to join them" I said. She stared down at her plate while tucking a fallen strand of hair behind her ear. "Lets not" she said while taking a bite of her French blueberry crêpes.

"Why not. When we'd planed to come to Ibiza all you could talk about was clubbing and spending all your time at the beach."

"I know, but I'm in the mood to go shopping. Now that you're feeling better we should just spend the day together doing so."

"Alright then. We'll go shopping and then meet up with gang around three or four."

"I just want to spend the day with you. I'm not really in the mood to go to the beach."

"Ya sure?"

"Yep" she replied with a little smile.

We spent hours shopping nonstop. When she uses my credit card, the constant swiping is endless. Oddly, she kept telling me she loved me at the most random times. I didn't mind it but she wouldn't stop. She must've said it about 7 times. It was like she was trying to remind the both of us that she loved me.

After all the shopping we finally got back to our hotel room. We put the bags down and sighed with relief that we were back. Amber then dropped her dress to the floor. I couldn't believe she wore nothing under it the whole time. Slowly and seductively she made her way to the bed and laid on it with a sexy pose. "Come over here" she said softly.

I was a bit taken back by it. Everything she did today was out of the usual. For the first time in her life she passed up the opportunity to go to the beach, she kept telling me she loved me for no apparent reason, and she spent the whole day without wearing underwear. Confused, I held my stomach and said "I think I'll make my way to the bathroom instead. I'm not feeling too good." I then rushed to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. It was the only way I could get away from her.

I heard her struggle with the door knob because I'd locked it. "I'll be fine. No need to worry" I said. "I'm not gonna sit back and do nothing once again. You're sick Nath, so let me help you feel better." she said in response.

"No. It's ok. I'll be fine."

"Nathan open this door!"

"Are you seriously getting mad at me right now? I said I'll be fine."

"Nathan open this door now!" she said even louder.

Amber's POV

Nathan finally opened the door, but the look on his face wasn't pleasant. Had he realized why I didn't want to hang out with the group, why I kept telling him I loved him, why I just got naked? My heart began thumping fast. I was scared that he may have realized what was going on. Tears began to fall from my eyes. I ran to go put on my clothes and then ran out of the hotel room. I couldn't believe Nath faked being sick just to avoid me. He had to have figured out what happened between me and Jay and that I'm just trying to prove to him and myself that he's the one I love.

I made my way to the bar next to the pool and sat on one of the stools. I heard a familiar group of laughter coming from behind. I slightly turned to see the group gathered at a table. I quickly turned back around and wiped my tears. Nunu called my name, so I turned around in my seat with a smile on my face.

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