Chapter 20: Mama Mia!

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Ello my beautiful readers!!! I've decide d to do something a little different in this chapter. I've put Amber's mom Elanor' s POV and Meridith's POV. This will probably be the only time I'll do this. Just wanted to show you what they're like and what they've been up to :) btw this is a continuation of the last chapter cuz this all happens that same day.

*That Night*

Elanor's POV

My eyes were bleeding when I read poor Jay's text. I know my Amber and she wouldn't have done such a thing. Maybe Nathan used one of his dirty tricks to get her in his bed. Ugh, the thought of it makes my heart ache. I'd destroy Nathan if I could. He's a heartless and selfish boy!

I closed down my pet health center and headed towards the hospital Nathan was at. I went up to the receptionist and gave her my information. I also provided proof that I knew Nathan. They made me do it because of all the crazy fans that were trying to sneak into his room.

I went up to his room. I thought he'd be alone, but he wasn't. Meridith was there as well. She jumped up from her seat. "Au-Aunt Elanor. What are you doing here?" she asked.

"You sicken me! And so do you Nathan. I forgave you for all that you did to Amber, because your my niece and your mum just passed on, but now I'm regretting ever doing so. As for you Nathan, I never forgave you and never will. Your a heartless disgusting monster! What would your mum think of you if she knew everything that you've done? Same question applies to you Meridith!"


I cut Nathan off "Ms.Edwards is how you shall refer to me now."

"Ms.Edwards, I'm awfully sorry for all the pain I've caused Amber."

"Yeah, that's why Meridith is here."

"She's here because Amber is."


"I went over to her flat to have a talk with her. I rang her doorbell. She wouldn't come to the door. I was sure she was there 'cause I saw her car outside. I turned the doorknob hoping it wasn't locked. To my surprise, it wasn't. I walked in and found her on the floor lying unconscious. I called the ambulance and they brought her here" Meridith said.

"What was wrong with her?"

"Oh yeah. She had alcohol poisoning. They gave her intravenous fluids and vitamins to get all of the  alcohol out of her . She's resting now."

I looked at Nathan and pointed a finger at him."This is all your fault! Jay broke up with her. That's why she's lying on a hospital bed. She loves him not you!"

"If I can recall, didn't she commit suicide because of Nathan?" 

"That was because he made her upset. She thought she was ruining everyone's life; not because she loved Nathan. Stay away from her Nath, or you'll regret it."

"Ela-, I mean Ms.Edwards, I completely understand your resentment towards me, but you've got no idea of what your talking about. I apologize for all I've done and I've been trying to make up for all of them. I don't know if Amber truly loves Jay. All I know is that we've loved each other for so long and I messed up. She fell out of love with me and then a few days ago our love resurfaced. I don't want any bad blood between you and I, so just please give me a chance."

"She was perfectly fine with Jay. You just had to mess it up."

"She was mine from the start."

"Yeah, but then she wasn't. She was Jay's. I use to think you were sweet boy. Then all of a sudden you changed and I don't know what to think of you or who you are anymore. Just do what's right."

I walked out of the room. I came to threaten Nathan. Instead I walked out with a heavy heart, feeling sorry for the boy. I wish things didn't have to be this way. Sadly, I don't think I could ever find it in my heart to forgive him.

Meridith's POV

I put up a really good act. I never went to Amber's to talk to her. I figured she was at work so I was going to sneak into her flat. I wanted to find some secrets or whatever to try and destroy her once and for all. If I couldn't find anything of the such, I'd trash the place and then come up with another plan. Her door was locked. I slid my credit card down the open space of the doorway  to get in.

After finding her unconscious I called the ambulance which brought her to the hospital. The doctor asked me who I was and I told him I'm her cousin and crap. I was told that she had alcohol poisoning and that she was pregnant. I couldn't believe it! After Nath finds out that Jay got her pregnant she'll lose him for good. This is everything I could've ever hope for! Thing is, I'm not sure if she had sex with Nath while in Ibiza, so there's still a chance it could be his.

I was told the baby will be alright. They removed all the alcohol from her system. If it had stayed in her any longer the baby would've been damaged, and worse, they would've both been dead. That would've been preferable. I'm quite sure everyone's life would be better off without Amber and her mini her.

I went to Nath's room, because I knew about the incident. I found him awake watching the tele. He freaked out. I was able to calm him down by telling him I was only here to apologize. I also told him that Amber was in the hospital. I was going to tell him she was pregnant with Jay's baby, but Aunt Elanor barged in. That lady always has her nose stuck up in peoples' business and she always falsely accuses everyone. She needs a man in her life; something to keep her preoccupied, if you know what I mean.

She left the room after that one sided argument we had with her. I was now going to tell Nath about the pregnancy, but decided to make Amber deal with that on her own. I'd just gotten on Nath's somewhat good side. I don't need him thinking I'm trying to ruin her life, although the pregnancy thing is true. 

I'm lucky he's so forgiving. That's one of his greatest qualities. After this whole crazy situation blows over and Amber is left with nothing, I'll be the one with her most prized possession, Nath. She's so stupid. Why would she have ever left him. She basically gave me a free pass. Time for this mission to commence.

"As I was saying, I'm really sorry for all I did. I know you seeme  as some heartless psycho. Trust me when I say I'm really not." I said to Nath and sat down on his bedside. "I guess I was just envious of Amber. Her life was so perfect. Even the guy she was with -which is you- was and still is perfect."

"I'm not so sure about that."

"Wanting to get back with her when your best friend stole her from you isn't a crime. There's nothing wrong with it. She was yours anyway."

"Then I handed her over to Jay. I realized then that I'd completely lost her heart and he deserved it more than me. Jay has always made her happy. He's been her go to person since the Christmas party. It's no surprise she fell for him. He's a really great guy. He's friendly, funny, and over all just amazing. And it's no surprise he fell for Amber. He fell for her because of all the reasons I did. She's such a gentle soul and like... a ball of light. Being around her is never a dull or dim moment."

"Even when she slept with Jay during the pet charity gala? By the way, why did you call her name when you were up on stage?"

"Besides that. I'm talking about when she was happy, and I called out to her so I could propose to her."

"Wow. How did I not know this? Why would you want to marry her anyway? You're only nineteen."

"Because that's how much I love her."

My heart broke a little inside. I couldn't believe how epic their love story was. He really loved her with his all; he was just too late to show it. I feel bad for the both of them. Maybe they were meant to be. Amber just never saw that, or maybe she did. She was probably confused about it all. It's probably due to her daddy abandonment issues.

Either way, I'm not letting anything stop me from making Nath love me. If he can't love me, he won't love anyone. I won't allow him to love anyone. He's mine and only mine. If he thinks any thing other, he sure will regret it.

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