chapter 16

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"nee-san is that you?" everyone stopped what they were doing, looking at the cause of the noise they saw a little girl with brown short hair reaching to her neck. she was holding a little boy with white hair bangs covering his eyes. (Y/N) looked at the little kids "Shizuki, is that you?" 

(Y/N) started to tear up a bit as she saw the little girl on instinct she went to the little girl and hugged her she was kneeling on the floor since she was taller than the girl. she started to cry on the girl's shoulder "I'm so sorry Shizuki please forgive, please" Shizuki let go of the boy she was holding then hugged (Y/N) back. 

"nee-san please don't apologize, you did what you thought was best for you" Shizuki started to cry. she broke the hug to look at (Y/N) then smiled "besides you made sure that I was taken off before you left like giving me shelter and a place to work so that I can earn things" (Y/N) looked at the girl and smiled drying off the girl's tears.

"and who is this little boy here" (Y/N) looked at him he seemed rather familiar but she could not put her hand on it. "I would tell you but will you show me your friends first" (Y/N) chuckled "okay you rugrat"

(Y/N) introduced her to everyone. "this is z", the little boy looked at (Y/N) then said, "your chakra is crazy, you know that right you and that naruto boy" (Y/N) smiled "so you were taken because of the way you can see chakra right?" z seemed surprised.

"anyway do you want some Dangos"(Y/N) asked the kids they both nodded enthusiastically she chuckled, Naruto interrupted "but I still wanted to eat s-"  he was cut off from glare from (Y/N) we all laughed at the kids took their Dangos there were still some left so Naruto took some  too.

"hey nee-san can you sing please," Shizuki asked (Y/N), "of course I could never disappoint my favourite fan" she grabbed two empty chairs so that the two children could sit down. when they sat (Y/N) stood in front of everyone and sang her favourite song blue bird.

when she was done they all applauded for her she stood there embarrassed blushing a little bit. they were chuckling at her flushed face complimenting her when Akari, Hiijire, JIn, and (Y/N) all sniffed the air the rest of the gang were wondering what that was all about.

"it's getting late I offer my house for all of you to stay in," Akari said everyone agreed "okay then that would mean that I and these little kids will go to my home" Shizuki was mad "hey I am not a little kid I am 10 nee-san and z is 5 so call him a little kid" they all laughed at her cutely puffing out her cheeks.

 they all walked out of the Dango shop"okay it's settled (Y/N) I will come to pick you up tomorrow for breakfast at my place"  lady Tsunade spoke up "why will you not be coming with us (Y/N)"  (Y/N) scratched her neck "well let's just say there is a certain person that does not like me at that place" they all nodded (Y/N) carried the kids on her back well bye everyone I will see you tomorrow.

(Y/N) pov

it took a while but we finally went to my little house I went inside to see the place clean, the two children were already asleep on my back so I just put them on the bed. I sighed even though it was the best decision that I have ever made I cannot help but feel guilty for leaving her alone but another day in this place and I would have been dead or have gone insane what good would I have been to her in either of those states. 

I looked around the place it was small but cozy maybe a bit bigger than Naruto's apartment but it was still small. I went to look into the fridge there was food enough to last two people for a couple of days. I smile it was worth it for me to make those deals 


"please Ji-chan I am begging you please help me with Shizuki please give her a job and look after her she has nobody except for me to help her and I can only do so much with me being with the kage all the time" I was down on my knees bowing down to Ji-chan asking him to look over Shizuki since I am going to escape from this place soon. 

he grunted I smiled "thank you Ji-chan for doing this" I went away knowing that the girl that was living with me is going to be taken care of when I am gone.

~flashback ends~

I went to get the futon that I had laid it down on the ground, I changed into my p.js did my night routine I got into the futon I hope that the others are alright at Akari's house. I heard shuffling I stood up and looked z was getting up rubbing his eyes his eyes looked scared.

"z did you have a nightmare?" I whispered to him trying not to wake up Shizuku, he nodded he then crawled to lay beside me. "it was scary I was back at the bad man's base" I understood him the nightmares they never seem to go away no matter how hard we try.

" you know z I get nightmares too, of the bad man" z looked at me with light in his eye 

" so what do you do to get rid of them?"

"I think of all the people that mean the most to me" he looked at me with curiosity, "you think of people that mean the most to you?" he reaped "yeah like the people you love or the people that have helped you in your life even if it's just a little bit" 

z looked at Shizuki "well Shizuki means a lot to me and there have been some people who have helped me when I was on the streets they were really nice" he smiled it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. 

"do you feel better now?" I ruffled his hair he nodded yes then started to nod off until he was completely asleep I let him stay with me and I fell asleep to.

~the next morning~

Naruto pov

I was waking up to the feeling of someone shaking me I open my eyes to see that it was  Akari "what is it that you want Akari?" I grumbled to him "wake up I am going to your sister's house and I thought you wanted to go with me? I got out of bed excitedly and got dressed.

I was heading out of my room when garaa was too I looked at him " oh you are coming too?" he nodded his head we head outside to see the kage sniffing the air the kage sure was wired. "well let's go while it's still early in the morning. and we set off

~authors note~

hey guys don't think I will be able to post for next month I don't know I could be busy so as a peace offering for those of here is the chapter a month early stay safe my lovelies.

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