chapter 19

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as soon as the kage announced the festival, everyone started to go to the stalls to play games, win toys, and get some food. when everyone was playing a game (Y/N) took Shino to the side and whispered something in his ears Garaa saw this and was a bit jealous about it but he shook it off when he saw the both of you coming back.

soon the whole place was being more crowded up everyone had a pair with the other and hold hands. there was jin and Hiijire, naruto and Hinata, Shino was by himself, Akari and higabana, Tsunade and sakura took z and Shizuku with them, me and garaa. even though higabana had something against the way that everyone was paired up and complained.

Garaa and (Y/N) were walking to the stalls, Garaa saw a cute bracelet that had white blue and red beads with a turtle at the center he gave it to (Y/N) he saw her face shine and he knew that he chose the right one to give her. the streets became even busier and it was harder to see who you were with while walking he finally found a spot where he could breathe then he looked behind and realized that he lost (Y/N) a flood of panic was seen on his face.

He was looking everywhere for her but he could not find her so he decided to go to the snack shack that they started at when he went there he saw that the group was still there, "hey guys can you help me I lost (Y/N) and I didn't mean to the streets were flooding with people and I couldn't find her anymore" Garaa rambled on with panic.

"I know where she is" Shino spoke to the group they all looked at her Naruto went to Shino shook him and yelled with anger "WELL WHERE IS SHE?" Shino took Naruto's hands off him brought out his bug, when she pulled me over she wanted me to put a bug on her"


"Hey Shino can I talk to you?" (Y/N) pulled Shino over to the side "do you have a bug that can detect people even with a whole bunch of people around?" (Y/N) asked him.

"yes, I do what do you need them for?"

"something bad is going to happen during the festival and I don't want to worry my brother and Garaa about it because they would be overprotective and won't get to enjoy the festival" 

"Okay, but do you know what is going to happen at the festival?" Shino asked with his apathetic face.

"I have a feeling that somebody is trying to kill me" (Y/N) said smiling sadistically

"Jin?" Shino asked looking at Jin

"I don't think it's him he prefers during the night to make his hunt this person know that the perfect time to attack me an not raise any suspicion is to come after me at the time when the streets will be crowded with people "

"so they are going to use the crowd to be a distraction to come after you?"

(Y/N) nodded glad that Shino caught on quick "okay so can you implant a bug on me and by the time I disappeared is the only time you  can tell my brother about this plan other than that you are not allowed to disturb him at this festival"
so Shino planted a bug on her they went back to the group.

~flashback end~

Naruto could not believe someone is after his sister and he could not believe that his sister was being targeted and she did not want him to know he could not believe her "well what are we waiting for let's go get my sister so that I can give her a piece of my mind" they all started to follow Shino, and Hinata would look ahead once in a while to see if she could find (Y/N).

they kept looking when they suddenly felt a surge of power coming ahead so they run to it

~Y/N P.O.V when Shino was still talking to them~

I cannot believe they took me while I was walking with Garaa I was mad but these boys seem to really want to fight me and if it's a fight they want it's a fight they would get. "one question before we start this fight why do you want to fight me? why are you always keen on me? are you attracted to me or something?" the crowd of ninjas could not believe what she was saying how could she be so calm and joking when she is surrounded by us and is about to die by their hands.

"SHUT UP" a brave soul shouted "how could you be so calm? you are the reason that our grandparents, siblings, parents are dead because of you"

I sighed the guilt piercing through my heart more than ever, I took a battle stance "if you want to fight me then come at me" they rushed at me the battle had started they all rushed at me I dodged them, hit them, and kick them. one kid tries to use wind ninjutsu I used the teleportation jutsu to make myself go to a tree I got the drop on them literally.

a boy came charging at me dogging him easily, the angrier he got the more he slashed at me when he slashed the bracelet that Garaa gave to me. 

I watched as the beads fell on the ground I was shocked at the bracelet that he gave me I felt so angry how could they do this one thing Is for sure they are going to regret doing this.

author note

hey my lovelies okay so I am not going to post next month because I am going to be using the time to edit this story I realized that I made a lot of mistakes. I am so sorry please do not hurt me or be mad if I manage to finish editing in time I will post next month I am not so sure that is why I am writing this not.

be safe

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