chapter 21

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Naruto woke up form his nightmare he looked around he found his sister's bed beside him he smiled, grabbed the milk from the table and went outside. (Y/N) woke up and instead of finding her brother all sprawled out on his bed she found it empty she sat up and saw him at the balcony. getting out of bed she went to him "are you okay?" "yah I'm alright ya know" he said with a huge smile (Y/N) raised up an eyebrow showing that she did not believe him he sighed "I had some sort of dream, it was not scary enough to be a nightmare but it was not pleasant enough to be a dream"  he told her as he leaned on the balcony drinking his milk.

she nodded at him "I understand what you mean but it's not going to mean anything that is what you taught me." (Y/N) smiled at her brother. He smiled back.  "c'mon lets go see Kakashi-sensei at the hospital" (Y/N) nodded.

they got to the library to wait for Sakura,  while waiting for Sakura to come (Y/N) saw her brother looking out into space before she could call him out of it Sakura had already arrived with Sai "oh man why did you bring Sai I came up with ways to talk with you" "if  you have time to imagine you have time to study" (Y/N) chuckled  " N-Naruto, S-Sakura (Y-Y/N) do you mind if I call you guys nicknames" they all looked at him and nodded he pointed to Sakura "ugly" Naruto froze before Sakura could even jump at Sai  Naruto was in between them (Y/N) went towards the hospital 

when they got to the hospital Kakashi saw Naruto and Sai holding both of their cheeks wondering what was wrong he called Sakura over to "what happened between them?" "Sakura slapped the both of them because said called Sakura ugly and Naruto got caught in between them"

"anyway Kakashi-sensei about our last mission not the under ground one-" Kakashi interrupted Naruto "I know about it Yamato has told me all about it" Naruto yelled a bit "yeah and he is progressing faster than ever" "lady Tsunade said that they could be using forbidden jutsu or body enhancing pills" Sakura said in "I have to get stronger faster" Naruto yelled "there is no need to worry I already came up with a plan but this plan is only suited for Naruto and (Y/N) but it will take a long time" 

"long time we don't have  a long time" 

"Naruto you didn't let me finish i figured out a way to do it in a short amount of time"

"well what is-"

the door suddenly opened up and team Asuma came in through the door after some quick introductions they all went out for barbecue  (Y/N) was sitting waiting patiently for her meat to be done she was about to grab one when Ino grabbed it and put it into a plate she wanted to grab another one and she grabbed that she was getting mad when Naruto gave her a meat and she was happy.

Choji and said were talking with each other "nice to met you fa-" quicker that thunder Naruto went up to cover Sai's mouth " what was he about to say" (Y/N) spoke up "he was about to say you were a fantastic person" "oh okay" and Choji went on with his barbaque meat. and now it was Ino's turn (Y/N) could see the blood lust from Sakura wyes she just kept on eating her meat 

"nice to meet you pretty lady" Sai told Ino  which caused Sakura to throw a fit (Y/N) just sighed this was another day to her.

~a few days later~ 

the whole gang except for Sai was at the hospital Kakashi was ready to be discharged from the hospital, (Y/N) spoke up "Kakashi-sensei I know you want to rest for a few day's but could you teach Naruto your new techniques soon he's been jumpy and all over the place since you told him about it" Kakashi smiled "well I guess I should do just that" just then they heard "RASEN" they looked over to the bed beside them and there was Naruto sleeping on the bed.

Angrily Sakura wanted to wake him up but (Y/N) stopped her "could you not do that and let him sleep he has not been sleeping well he's been waking up to some nightmare" Sakura stopped she stood back. 

~1 hour later~ 

Naruto, Kakashi and (Y/N) were at the training camp going to get ready for the new technique that Kakashi promised them. Kakashi told them about the two different type of chakra techniques but since Naruto was not getting it Kakashi had to use visual to help him understand with his best jutsu the rasengan and his chidori to explain it to him. "alright since you got it we now need to know about your chakra property or in other words your chakra nature" "and how are we going to do that?" Naruto moved his head to the side "by using one of these papers" he bought the paper out of his ninja bag

he held it in his hand and it crumbled in "as you can see because my chakra nature is lighting the paper wrinkled fire it will burn, water it will get wet, wind it will slice in two, and with earth it will just crumble away" the two Uzumaki were looking in awe.

Kakashi gave one of the papers to the twins, Naruto infused his chakra and it sliced in two " looks like your chakra nature is wind Naruto" (Y/N) infused her chakra into the paper it sliced in two "looks lik-" before Kakashi could even finish the two slices of paper wrinkled before it got wet when it did it dried up the fire burned it down to ashes. the twins looked at Kakashi hoping he would explain it all, Kakashi scratched his head "well (Y/N) looks like you have all the chakra natures but that is okay that means you can work with Naruto with his training since you have a wind chakra nature too" (Y/N) nodded her head

 as they were talking Yamato came out of the woods so suddenly that (Y/N) took a pose of defense when she saw that it was Yamato she relaxed "EH why is captain Yamato here?" Naruto asked "well Kakashi-senpai asked me to come help with you guys training"  

"hey captain Yamato is your chakra nature earth style?" Naruto asked with so much excitement (Y/N) let out a tired sigh she loved her brother but he certainly had the brain of a child but she didn't mind. Yamato was about to answer Naruto when Kakashi whispered something in his ears, after that he did some signs then called our "earth style: rampart of flowing soil" a cliff them came right out of the ground. he did some other styles and called out "water style: water fall baisin jutsu then the whole cliff was covered in water making it look like a waterfall . then he told Naruto "I have more than one chakra nature one water and one earth" "it's not uncommon for jonnins to have more than one chakra nature?" 

"so he has three including wood style?" (Y/N) slapped her head at her brothers stupidity Naruto looked at her weirdly "no that is not how it works" (Y/N) grabbed her brother "Naruto lets get this cleared out there is no chakra nature called wood okay?" Naruto nodded "but then how do you do it" "he does it simultaneously and generates the wood property" Kashi said, Yamato explained to Naruto  "earth with my right hand and water with my left" he clapped his hand and trees started to pop out of the waterfall "do you understand now Naruto he nodded his head.

"well with how to shorten the time we figured it out with the shadow clone" Kakashi said instead of explaining it to him he told to him "lets both do two shadow clones and let them out into the woods then make them disappear and you will see what i am talking about" (Y/N) and Naruto did just that so did Kakashi. they all went out into the woods did rock paper siccors with a bet that Naruto won when they all disappeared all three of them got new information to them. 

"so this is how we are going to be learning it seems fun" (Y/N) said tilting her head to Kakashi "by the way have you ever done this type of training" "no I have never done this type of training before" Kakashi said honestly which made (Y/N) worried not for herself but for her brother she was worried that he would not be able to handle it "are you su-" before (Y/N) could announce her concern Naruto interrupted her "how you could use shadow clones too?" "well that is because unlike the two of you with incredible amount of chakra I don't have that so I cannot use it" he answered Naruto "and (Y/N) I can assure you that it is safe but there is a possibility that the nine-tail chakra will get out while you are training and since you two respond to each other we are going to have Yamato over here to overlook us" (Y/N) wasn't even sure if she can trust Yamato yet but she decides to trust him.

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