chapter 20

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(Y/N) is trying super hard not to let her anger get to her, not letting the power overtake her but it was hard when she watched the group of teenager looking at her taunting her it was hard "looks like you cannot  control that power of yours, you really are a demon how can you protect your brother and friends when you cannot even control your power you are just a demon" it was harder and harder then a person came by "that is enough you guys no need to antagonize her even more.

what they saw was so strange it was Hiagabana nobody could believe this the search team that were looking for her looked beside them the Higabana that were with them suddenly poof with a smoke a shadow clone. (Y/N) was growling at the girl Higabana circled around (Y/N)"you were the reason why my brother is like this, you are the reason why my father is dead, you are the reason why everyone doesn't feel safe and even then..." she went in front of (Y/N)n face she gently cupped her face "even then you managed to make friends who trust you and even though they know you are a demon they still trust you with their lives" she grabbed (Y/N) face harshly and tossed it to the side.

"(Y/N) Uzumaki I hate you with all my sole and being that is why everytime something bad happened to you I was glad, everytime someone whisper against you I was always like a kid on their birthday, everytime father went to go and torture you I always hoped he made it extra painful" she stared at a growling (Y/N) whose chakra was starting to leak over her body with every single words that Higabana spew.

the crew on the other hand who were watching from the trees could not believe this  how could Higabana do this Akari escpecially was furious how could is sister do such a thing and behind his back he always knew something was up with (Y/N) but he never thought that his own sister would be behind this he knew that Higabana did not like (Y/N) but wanting to kill her and using the people of the village to do so how could she do this behind his back.

(Y/N) too cannot believe that it was Higabana that wanted to kill her she just thought that she was just another person at the village who would talk bad about her but never did anything like that (Y/N) was beyond mad because of this girl she could not enjoy her favorite time of the year because of her she broke her gift that she got from Garaa the cloak was covering her up faster the red and the purple were beginning to mix up into a black color.

(Y/N) ran up so fast towards Higabana that she was not able to see her and scratched her on the face across her cheek that was the signal everyone needed to know that they need to step in or else Higabana and the group of teenager were done for. as (Y/N) was about to go in for another attack when lady tsunade punched the ground to create a gap between (Y/N) and her victim Garaa created a sand dome around (Y/N) Sakura, Hinata, and Shino took their stance because (Y/N) was punching trying to break out the dome "LET ME OUT I WILL KILL HER" (Y/N) yelled out in anger.

Naruto went to the sand dome trying to calm her down "(Y/N) it's okay do you remeber why we came here, it was to let go of your past so please calm down" Garaa also went towards the sand dome "it's true there comes a time we must let go of the past even if it tries to keep coming up you must let go of it" Hinata came up towrds the sand dome too "remeber that we are your friends we have talked a lot we know the pain because you told it to us so please let us help you yes people like Higabana try to bring things up that should never be brought up but we ur friends will help you so please let us help you" there was silence so garaa let down the sand dome they saw a tired (Y/N) she looked tired she stood up ran towards Hinata and hugged her she did the same to everyone.

Higabana could not believe what she was seeing her friends were supposed to hate her when they saw the demon she became not to come here to help her she trembled with anger "HOW COULD STILL LOVE THIS DEMON" Lady tsunade spoke up "between her and you I would say the real demon is you convincing your friends to fight and awaken something that should never be awaken knowing fully well that they could have died how could you do that it's simply disgusting. a real demon is someone who disregards human lives for their own selfish desire which is what you did which is what you are"

Akari came up to his sister and slapped her "that is for (Y/N) he gave her another one "that is for the village" and another one "that is for going behind my back and coming up with this despicaple plan" he turned towards the cowering teenagers that have just been there cowering in fear he went towards them "apologize to her and or wanting to harm her" they all bowed down toward (Y/N) "we're sorry please forgive us" (Y/N) came towrds them she smiled "it's okay if I was in your shoes I would have done the same thing but now we are even" they all nodded frantically then run towards home.

Akari turned towards the two hokage "please I hope that this incident does not change anything between the sand village and the leaf village in fact to show that I truly am sorry I will let the hokage and the kazekage to choose the punishment for my sister"  Garaa and lady tsunade both look at each other Lady tsunade spoke first "she is to be like a cizien and work for her house, money and food" then Garaa spoke "she is also in debt to the parents of the teenagers she endangered so she is to give half of her money to those familes" Akari nodded Higabana kept scramed "NO YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME I AM A PRINCESS I WILL DIE IF YOU DO THIS TO ME" Akari looked at her "then die you are no longer considered my sister"

He binded his sister Jin and Hiijire came out of the woods he came up to (Y/N) "that was tottally cool and who knew the princess wanted to kill you I thought it was my job to kill you" (Y/N) chuckled "you will have your chance soon jin" Garaa came up to her "you are tired let me carry you" (Y/N) was too tired to argue she just let Garaa carry her.

~next day~

at the kage's office the crew were saying goodbye to Akari "please come back and visit soon" he told the entire crew they all agreed Akari pulled (Y/N) over remeber if you ever need our help just send a letter okay?" he said as he hugged (Y/N) this time (Y/N) hugged him back "okay" she replied they all went towards the entrance which was also the exit they all walked outside.

everyone's eyes were blinded for a moment with the outside sun before they got used to the brightness again they all smiled glad that the crew is back together again.

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