chapter 6

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your pov~

when he disappeared I just stood there I fell to my knees I was crying, Naruto came and Hug me "why would he do such a thing? he's the hero in my story, not the villain" I hugged Naruto sobbing in his shirt he patted my head when he pulled me up he whipped the tears from my eyes "don't worry we will find him again and maybe this time you will be able to clean all the darkness from inside him" Naruto told me trying to cheer me up I nodded feeling a bit better "I'm so glad I go, you big bro" (you found out that Naruto is at least 6 minutes older than you)

~time skip~

you were back at the village with Naruto at Ichiraku ramen, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, and Akamaru came to us we said our greeting's the boys were walking in front of us I saw Hinata blushing when she was looking at my brother  "do you like my brother?" Hinata looked shocked but she whispered to me "y-y-yes I-I-I d-d-do" I was curious "how do you know?" she was hesitant at first "well whenever I see him my heart beats really fast, my face become red with blush, and I always stutter when I see him" I thought she was funny but she looked like she really liked my brother.

as we were walking Naruto screamed "hey Garaa" my face felt hot we walked up to Garaa when I saw him my heart was beating really fast I  went behind Naruto and whispered to him "are you sure your friend isn't trying to kill me? my heart feels like it's going to explode when I see him" he chuckled but didn't say anything then I went to Hinata and said to her "Hinata I think something is wrong with me" she looked at me "what is wrong?"

"Whenever I see Garaa my heart beats really fast, my face feels hot, and there was a time when I stuttered in front of him"

"that means you like Garaa (F/N)"

"that cannot be I swore off liking anyone that is not family, or friends since they always get hurt by me"

"well you like him, and trust me it never goes away"

Naruto pov~

my sister like Garaa I knew it because she always says that Garaa makes her heart beat fast, she is so cute when she asks me that Garaa is trying to kill her she went back to talk to Hinata, Garaa broke my thought when he asked "I don't think your sister likes me that much" he said I could see a tint of blush on his cheeks he also likes my sister this is awesome I pat his back telling him "she likes you it's just that she is trying to find out what she feels towards people just give her a bit of time" he nodded his head 

your pov~

I just found out from Hinata that I liked Garaa the way she loves my brother this is so confusing, a  letter was dropped at my feet I looked at it, it was from Orochimaru "dad" Naruto stopped turned around to see me looking at a letter there were tears in my eyes "Hey sis what's wrong?" Naruto asked me I showed him the letter I was so happy "NARUTO DAD GAVE ME THIS LETTER CAN I READ IT TO YOU?"  he looked awkward a bit then said "okay but first wait until we are at home" I nodded fastly running fast to get home

Naruto pov~

she must really treat Orochimaru as her dad because she was happy when he sent her a letter Shino asked me "I thought she was an orphan" I sighed and explained to them how during she was at her old village Orochimaru acted like her dad, they all looked sad and pitied her she doesn't know how evil Orochimaru can be. when we reach home (F/N) she was really excited to read the letter when I unlocked the door she rushed in she grabbed Garaa hand I could tell she wanted to grab my hand but she grabbed his hand, I allowed it since she liked him when my friends came in

"bro I can't wait to open this letter," she said "really," I said she looked so surprised that I was not beside her when she looked that she was holding Garaa's hand she shrieked and her whole  face turned red I laughed

your pov~

Naruto was on laughing so hard that he was rolling on the floor, so were Hinata, Kiba, and Akamaru Shino, on the other hand, his mask and goggles make it hard to see his expression but Garaa was as red as his head "it's not funny Nauto" when he stopped I sat on the ground so did the others I started to read the letter :

Dear (F/N)

you've grown since I last saw you don't worry about your Kage I took care of him, I'm sorry to say that I didn't know about the experiments that you underwent while I was away, I made a deal with the Kage that he should stop experimenting on you in exchange I will be giving him some powerful potions when I left you I always thought that you would be happy you would have found friends who accepted you even though you are a jinchuriki I never thought that you would be hurt and broken almost to no repair, I'm glad you made it to Kohana you will be happy there, you should heed my warning, also tell your brother this the Akatsuki is after him and you so please be careful because when your tails have been removed you will die so please be careful

love dad

I felt a mix of happiness and sadness in me heart when I put down the letter my brother looked at me I looked back I sighed "so basically nothing will change in my life" Naruto gave me a questioning look as did my friends "well I always have to be on the run always have to be watching out for those who want to take me back to my village so it's the same except this time it's life or death and it includes my family"  Naruto gave me a hug said to me "whatever we do we do it together, we should show this letter to granny Tsunade" I nodded

I, Naruto, and Garaa are going to the Hokage office, the others went back to their home, I asked Garaa "so who is your Kage?"  he chuckled then said "I am the Kazhekage of the sand village" I was shocked at that news then Naruto mentioned something about him going to be Hokage when I noticed something dashed in the shadows I thought it was just my mind but I was still cautious with each step I took

I gave the letter to lady Tsunade she read it then said "yes I have received many letters from different villages saying that their jinchuriki have been disappearing Naruto, Garaa, (F/N) please be careful as you are going about your day we dong know when they will strike" as we were heading out it was nighttime I never did like the dark reminded me of the experiment room the smell of blood the electricity that shocked me I wanted to scream I felt a reassuring hand from Naruto he is used to my black out's I usually tell him what I see and he comforts me he is a good high brother I smiled at him

I saw Temari and Kankuro coming I pointed at him "girl cat" I said everybody but Kankuro laughed while Garaa gave a light chuckle his smile made me very happy, I wanted to see that smile all the time 

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME" Kankuro screamed at me 

"girl cat," I said calmly 

"Why are you calling me that?"

"because of your cat hears and you are wearing makeup"

by now even Garaa was laughing Kankuro looked embarrassed we went back to our house when we went inside I asked Naruto "how do you know you like a person?" "in what way?" he asked me I thought for a second "I don't know what the word is but in a way that porcupine hair feel about women I guess" 

"oh you mean in a romantic way," he said almost laughing 

"if that is the word for it then yes"
"well how you know you have feeling's for someone in a romantic way is that they consume your every thought when you see them they always make your heartbeat really fast when they smile it makes you want to smile, and when they are in danger you want to protect them"

"you mean how I want to protect you, big bro?"

"that is different the love you feel towards me is sibling love"

"oh, then what you just explained now is romantic love?"

"yes, so who makes my stone heart sister flutter, who consumes your every thought, who makes you want to smile when they smile?"

"G-G-Garaa" I blushed when I said his name 

Naruto chuckled a bit hen said to me "then you love Garaa in a romantic way" I thought about it "is that how you feel towards Hinata?" my brother blushed "so you love Hinata" he nodded then whispered, "don't tell anyone okay?" I nodded "goodnight" "Night" he replied to me we both fell asleep

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