chapter 8

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It has been weeks since Garaa left Kohana (Y/N) has been training with Jiraya to perfect her speed justu and the Rasengan Naruto has been helping her in any way he can but he knew that the training is for her to do alone, (Y/N) was starting to create the Rasengan when team 7 was called to the Hokage office when they reached they saw Temari she looked battered up and tired but most of all she looked sad "I have a mission for you team 7 you are to retrieve the kazekage from the Akatsuki" the twins were both shocked to hear that the Akatsuki had just captured Garaa they both set out immediately.

~your P.O.V~

when we reached the sand village a crazy lady attacked Kakashi-sensei but Naruto blocked her but Kakashi-sensei was not her target it was another guy. after that whole ordeal we went to see girl cat and when we saw that he has had poison in him so we had to stay there for a while before we could go to get Garaa and I was really freaking out Orochimaru said that if the tail beast comes out the jinchuriki will be dead so I was in a real frenzy so to make up the time I helped Sakura make the cure for the poison when the girl cat was all cured we left the sand village with the old lady named Chiyo.

~time skip~

we got to the cave where they held Garaa then I saw a male sitting on him I was mad "get off of him" I said in a threatening tone he then said crazy things about art then left  taking Garaa with him I ran after him with Naruto after me we were chasing him then Kakashi-sensei said he had a plan he used his Sharingan to make it looked like a portal but it missed him

 we continue to chase him Naruto did his Rasengan to hit him and I threw a Kurenai but it missed and it hit a rock then he fell into the trees I used my speed justu to appear to where Garaa was kept in the guys "art"  Naruto shadow clone where there to get him out I was being hopeful that he was still alive that he was not dead

when I saw his face they looked dead I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him for Garaa both the ten and nine tails were coming up I was trying to suppress them but when that one-eyed camera faced guy showed up they consumed me but I still held back Naruto punched him I did the Rasengan "Naruto watch out" I yelled he moved I hit him with the Rasengan but it turned into clay he escaped.

Naruto pov

he replaced himself I felt mad the nine-tail fox chakra went into me I was mad I looked at my sister too was feeling both her tails she was mad "where is he?" she yelled we combined our strength to push the trees out of our way Kakashi came but I don't want to hear what he says he came in front of me and put a paper on my head I felt drained of power.

Kakashi pov

there that was one done now the other I ran in front of her but her Aura alone burned me "hey Naruto I need your help" he looked at me then his sister who was losing control and her 4th tail were coming out I could not lose any more time now I gave Naruto the paper and signalled him to stick it to his sister he nodded and was able to she looked drained.

I have to remember to give my thanks to master Jiraya when we go back home or else I would be in a bit of a pickle with two jinchurikis running rampant and one with the ten-tails the world as we know it would be dead now.

authors pov

when (y/n) woke up she looked around "where's Garaa?" she looked at her brother on the brink of tears Naruto did not know how to comfort his sister he just said "let's go look for the guy that got him" with determination with her eyes she nodded her eyes

~time skip~

as lady Chiyo was trying to rebirth Garaa she was running low on chakra after a fight with her grandson Sasori, then a certain red hair with (e/c) came up to her "how much chakra do you need?, please take mine" Naruto said the same thing Lady Chiyo smiled "put your hands on mine" they did what she said in a moment of minutes Garaa was reborn.

Lady Chiyo collapsed Sakura knew what she had done she sacrificed her life for the Kazekage when Garaa awoke he was greeted with the girl he loved "thank goodness you are safe I thought I was going to lose you" Garaa's face was now the colour of his hair.

~at  Lady Chiyo's funeral~

your pov

A ninja never cries seems heartless to me but it's the way of the ninja as I looked at her picture I will forever remember her sacrifice for the person I loved even after everyone had left I still stayed where I was "thank you" with that I left.

as I was heading to Garaa's office I saw Lady Tsunade there with Naruto and Shikamaru they looked a bit disturbed I wonder what was up, I looked at my brother with a questioning look he turned his head sadly when we enter his office I was glad that Garaa looked well even though losing your tail beast must be sad

Lady Tsunade sighed "okay I'm not going to be beating around the bust (y/n) we need you to lead us to your old village we need to meet with the new kage" WHAT DID SHE SAY LEAD HER TO THE VILLAGE HIDDEN IN THE GROUND.

authors note

thank you readers I am now at over 200 reads and ranking in the top '30s in Garaa I am most thankful to you all:)

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