chapter 13

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authors pov

as the squad moved closer into the experiment ward they saw all the things they used to draw blood, shock, and bring pain to the person. Naruto especially was looking at each cell that held different equipment to hurt a person. Sakura felt sick to her stomach she looked at the equipment knowing what each was meant to do and could not believe that someone would do that to a child.

(Y/N) was with Garaa she was nervous ever since the hug her heart was beating so loud and so fast that she was convinced that she was going to die, but something else made her stay with him. slowly she held out her hand towards Garaa and held his hands, there was a small blush that made its way towards her face. She felt Garaa responding to this.

Naruto turned around to look at his sister he saw that she and Garaa were holding hands he wanted to scream but he knew that if he did they would stop holding hands and he did not want that. He was also glad that Garaa was here to take his sister's mind off of what's happening. 

they reached a door that was held securely it was made out of metal and was shut tight. Naruto asked, "what is inside there?" Akari looked at (Y/N) silently asking her if she knew, she shook her head "the Kage always said that if we ever come near this place he would make sure we never see the light of day again, saying that the torture will become ten times more"

everyone held their breath Shino came up "you said we, those that mean there were more of you?" (Y/N) turned towards him "yes, but they all ended up leaving" Hinata asked shyly "how did they come here? and why did they leave?". (Y/N) sighed before answering "whenever the Kage heard that a strange new Kekkei Genkai or finds out that somebody has an unusual amount of chakra, he brings them here to experiment on see how much power they have and how it would benefit him" (Y/N) tightened her grip on Garaa before continuing "when he found out about me his first experiment was a huge disaster, lives were lost, on that day he sent all those he was experimenting before out but kept me and spent all his time trying to use me to make both him and the village more powerful"

everyone kept quiet Akari broke it "let's open up this door and I will tell you the history of our village and how we came into the ground, (Y/N) care to do this jutsu with me?" (Y/N) release her hand from Garaa's she stood beside Akari "you might want to go back a bit" she warned they did as she said. they did hand signs, put their hand on the ground and yell "EARTH STYLE: GOLEM BASH" the earth started to shake, huge bolder started rolling towards the two people building up to something then a huge golem came out and started to hit the wall until the door opened up. Akari and (Y/N) removed their hand which made the golem returned to where it came from. 

they all entered the room it was filled with cabinets they opened it and in the cabinets were files, Naruto picked and looked at a file it had Zabuza in it with a stamp of dead on his picture "HEY KAGE" Naruto screamed, Akari went to Naruto, in fact, everyone went to Naruto.

he showed Akari the file of Zabuza "how did you know he died? and how do you know exactly how he died?" Akari took the file from Naruto "you see the village hidden in the ground is used for doing private killing depending on the village that has asked us" (Y/N) looked away from the others indicating that what he says is true.

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