Chapter 1

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Oh So this part is gonna during the beginning before The Straw Hats went up to Upper Yard to battle the priests by the setting below  (y'all know the rest but there is more twists!)


"The First Encounter! Luffy finds a Chronicler!"

It was a pleasant day at Lovely Street. But not before the Blue Sea Dwellers otherwise the Straw Hats. Nami, Robin, Chopper and Zoro on the Going Merry were taken by a huge express shrimp to the Upper Yard due to the recent events of them being classified as Class Two criminals of Skypiea. Conis will now have to admit her betrayal.

"Shishishi! This place looks so cool!" Luffy secretly snuck quite the mouthful of food into his mouth while the merchant wasn't looking as Luffy quickly went away meeting up with Sanji and Usopp

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"Shishishi! This place looks so cool!" Luffy secretly snuck quite the mouthful of food into his mouth while the merchant wasn't looking as Luffy quickly went away meeting up with Sanji and Usopp. Sanji hitting him on the head.
"You idiot! This is no time for games!" Sanji spoke visibly agitated at his captain.
"That's true..I-I believe I'm coming down with..the Need for Flee virus.." Usopp said in a panicked state.
"Alright...well..LAST ONE TO THE SHIP IS A ROTTEN SEA MONSTER!" Luffy ran off heading to the direction of the Going Merry. Both Sanji and Usopp had no choice but to chase after him.
"LUFFY QUIT CAUSING A SCENE!" Sanji yelled in anger. While Luffy was running he glanced behind to see if his two crew mates caught up to him.

"I can't believe I had to get stuck getting more fruit for him..only because I owe those priests a favor."  ??? spoke.
"Nonono! HEY! Get out of the wayyyy!" But it was too late for Luffy to say something to them. They suddenly noticed but it couldn't stop them from being crashed into by the straw hat. ???'s bag would drop having her logbooks fall out some paper going out of it.
"O-Oh no! Not my logbooks!" ??? scrambled to pick up the papers and journals, stuffing them back into their bag.
"Log..books? What do you use them for?" Luffy glanced down at ??? with curiousity.
"D-Don't look at me.." ??? turned away from Luffy. Luffy being the stubborn one wanted answers, so he slowly slid off the hood ??? was reveal a girl with two different colors of hair..and different colored eyes. The people by Luffy gasped in the shock of this..freak?


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