Chapter 21

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Previously on One Piece..

"Oh do not fear, I'm letting you keep your 'precious logbooks', after all, you'll need to write about my success in achieving the golden bell in just a little while longer!"

"T-The ruins look very ruined down there! If we don't get out of here, we're gonna be next!"

"Sanji and I saw that look in Mae's eyes!"



"Knock Over Giant Jack! Mae's Plea as the Last Hope for Escape!"

The people of sky on the ships stood in almost absolute silence, with their home and even its gates..gone. They didn't know what to do..where do they go? The Milky Road is destroyed..lightning bolts striking near the ships. The White Sea..lost.

Skypiea is fading..

Meanwhile on the Ark, Eneru reached a small island of cloud..finally reaching the Golden Bell! Eneru smiled, he has finally made it. Mae looked at the Golden Bell in awe.. "Finally..the Golden Bell." He looked up, the golden bell shines amidst all the darkness. "It's finally mine, a prize to be fit for God and Goddess. The one that heralded the conflict from 400 years ago. How pathetic, to think they'd still continue. Only to see everything be destroyed." Mae quickly took the opportunity while he was distracted to kick him away from her. He was about to use his lightning but Mae quickly began to charge up her devil fruit power. "Eneru, please just listen to me, it doesn't have to be this way!" Tears formed again.. "Eneru..don't you remember those happy times with me..? Just leave Skypiea alone..for me..please."


Mae was running around Upper Yard, playing hide and seek. Eneru was using Mantra and quickly found her.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Mae frowned.

He'd laugh. "You mortals certainly come up with such interesting games to play."

He'd pick her up and jumped up toward a cloud floating in the now it was sunset.

"Eneru, how haven't killed me?" Mae looked up at Eneru as he watched the sunset. He'd let out a soft gasp from hearing those words..

"Mae..I.." He'd sigh covering the top half of his face with the palm of his hand.

"Eneru, you can tell me. It's ok." She'd gently place the palm of her hand on Eneru's cheek, he'd slowly remove his hand from his face gently grabbing her wrist.

"Mae, as a God..I never thought I'd get feelings for someone like you..but on that day..when you were injured by one of my priests. I saw something in you, mortals tend to be greedy and steal from whoever is bigger than them. But you didn't do that,  you were lost and didn't pick a fight. Look..I'm not very good with this sort of thing..but..I love you." He'd quickly push her face into his face as he kissed her.

The priests stood in utter awe and shock, Satori was not much impressed "God Eneru, you just..kissed a mortal?!" Shura quickly shut him down by hitting him on the head with his lance sword. "God, I must say I'm quite happy for you." Gedatsu smiled quickly grabbing Mae's hand shaking it "I never knew God can fall in love with someone this sweet and kind." Ohm shedded a little tear. "Love is something quite interesting from the Blue Sea." Eneru turned with a very pissed off look at the four.

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