Chapter 10

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Previously on One Piece...

"You called? Did you want something, Kamakiri of Shandora?"

"Eneru you bastard!"

"Do you forget who you're speaking to? I am God you know."

"A game..A GAME?!"


"The Dive into Mae's Past! Mae's first meeting with God's Judgement?!"


Mae's vision slowly was regaining, slowly placing my hand on the ground. Last thing she remembered was being thrown into a cannon by her twin sister and shot up into the cloudy sky to never be seen again. The last thing she saw before disappearing into the clouds was the fight between her captain and some marines.

Mae looked up at the very tall trees above. 'Never seen trees this this some kind of dream?' Mae slowly placed the palm of her hand on the ground, picking up some dirt "Huh..? Soil?" How is there soil in the sky..Am I in some kind of dream? "I cannot just stay here. I have to find my way..." Mae then slowly realized one thing..

Where could I go home?! Your own sister shot you out of a cannon for God's sake!! My captain, the crew..they're my family. I need to..

No. No time to get devastated now.

"It doesn't matter right now..what matters is that I need to get some place.." Mae begin her journey through the forest stumbling, not knowing the danger of this place of what Mae will soon be calling it home.

Mae is trespassing on God's land.

As Mae makes her journey across the Upper Yard,
She was of course chased by the weird lively big creatures of the sky but thankfully during her time down below the skies, she was quite the good runner.
"WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS PLACE?!" She'd scream and run to almost no end, thankfully she escaped barely with her life.

Meanwhile inside God's Shrine..

Eneru was sitting down on his couch like throne enjoying an apple, having a meeting with his priests, although he doesn't really find it entertaining because "God is not a fan of these meetings"

His entertainment is coming soon.

"Now boys, have there been any recent trespassers on God's land?" He'd stare in irritant at the priests waiting for a response.

"Hahaha! Well God, there was no trespassers as of this recent day Ahaha! I took care of them!" Satori laughed boasting about his accomplishment.

"Shush yourself, Satori." Shura spoke in annoyance by Satori's behavior. "Clearly you give yourself way too much credit, because I took care of one as well!"

"Always so cold, Mr.Ordeal of Strings!" Satori menacingly smiled at Shura.

Ohm adjusted his glasses and looked off from the two priests, visibly agitated. He wanted to see Holy again, his giant fluffy white dog.

Gedatsu bit his lips trouble minded, Ohm spoke out "Gedatsu, he can't hear you with you biting your lip" Gedatsu spoke out loud with shock written on his face. "AHH! SO CARELESS" Satori sighs in annoyance of the two "I just hope there's much more entertaining things to do."

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