Chapter 12

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Previously on One Piece..

"How does a blue sea dweller have two different colors of eyes and hair?"

"Lavenders..they're my favorite flower."

"Mae Galilea. Welcome to Skypiea."

"Will you be there to stand with me, Goddess Mae of the Stars?"


"The Upper Ruins Crumble and Mae Awakens! The Quintet Finale!!"

"108 pound..CANNON!" After what seemed to be the end of Ohm's defeat. He'd suddenly notice an unconscious Mae nearby, the rubble above was about to crush her. He'd begin rushing towards her and grabbed her bringing her away from the rubble. "Is this..the Goddess that the cook was freaking out about? Hm, shouldn't question it." His face became a bit red just from saying that out loud.  He'd take a notice to Mae cradling Chopper in her arms, slowly gliding her hand along Chopper's head. She was waking up. "I carry out my work as giving Goddess mercy..I don't want to kill you. You don't deserve death, you seem to have so much prosperity ahead of you." Zoro began approaching. "Excuse me, that's my friend right there.." Mae flinched a bit "My my..I'm sorry. I was just..holding him. I want to help you get down to the lower part of Giant Jack..the gold you pirates are after..can possibly be down there." Zoro smiled. "Thanks. For being a goddess, you're quite helpful. Follow me." Mae began to follow Zoro, Chopper in her arms.

Conis remembering the words of the man on Enel's plan for Skypiea resolved to leave for the Island to warn the inhabitants. She left Su behind telling her to watch over the unconscious Usopp and Sanji. Upon defeating Ohm, Zoro commented on needing more training about the attack that he used. Just then, Holy came intending on punching Zoro and missed. Zoro yelled "down" while dodging the attack and the dog obeyed leading Zoro to say that the dog does what it's told. Zoro then told the dog to hit itself on the head and take a nap and the dog did. Zoro then went on to attack the python, but was not having much success because of the snake's hard scales. However, the party in the snake are having a tough time staying still, which is related to the attack the snake is receiving from the outside.

"Can't those morons out there calm down for a second and let us climb out?!" Nami shouted in frustration. Luffy was still oblivious. "Nami, do you think Mae still wants to join our crew?" Nami paused turning to look at Luffy. "Luffy, I don't think she will, she's on God's side remember?" Luffy nodded no in denial, he simply isn't having this. "I've said it before and I'll say it again as the captain, I won't let this 'God' be in the way of having Mae join my crew!"


"Thank you God for bringing me a goddess!"

"Hey Mae wanna join my crew!"

"I'm sorry..I can't."

End of flashback..

End of flashback

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