Chapter 18

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Previously on One Piece..

"So Mae, wanna try this again? And join my crew?"

"Luffy..It's going to be ok. I'll see you again maybe someday.."

"It's a treasure called friendship.."



"Mae's Change of Heart! On the Front Lines of the Burning Love Rescue!"

The ship was at full spread and charge, it kept its altitude and continued to head up, thunder clouds still bursted from atop of the ship's chimney. Meanwhile, Nami was getting ready to attack, Eneru was preparing as well. "If you don't want to stay on this ship, then I'll have to say death shall await you." Nami still glares.. 'I might not be able to beat him..but I have to get off this ship, it doesn't matter if Mae will follow or not, I can't force her and I will have no regrets.' Eneru chuckled "I know what you're thinking, you're not leaving this arc safely and you won't be leaving with Mae. That is unless, you are depending on the two rats who just snuck on board." Nami gasped at hearing those words..Mae did as well, Mae began to think.. 'Two people snuck on board..? But how?'

Below the ship, Usopp and Sanji were almost to the lower ship's deck "SANJI, IF WE GO ANY HIGHER WE WON'T BE ABLE TO GET DOWN! NOT TO MENTION GOD AND GODDESS ARE ON BOARD?! You don't want to get near that Goddess especially because you'll just be killed by her loverrrr-" Sanji rolled his eyes "Usopp, I already made up my mind and we're almost there, so quit your whining!" Usopp shouted back at Sanji "Sanji, you don't know if there's possibly hundreds of men on board! Look at the size of the ship! If God and Goddess are up there, I really don't wish to die.." Sanji paused for a moment "Usopp, come on, you were prepared for this! Especially with all the cool equipment you have. If that bad guy has Mantra, he can predict our point in trying to be sneaky. I bet my favorite carving knife that the two know were here." Sanji helped Usopp up after finally reaching to the lower side of the ship. "Wait, what will we do?!"

"We'll split up and head for the main deck, I have to go rescue Mae and Nami." Usopp's jaw dropped as he screamed "SPLIT UP?! ARE YOU INSANE?! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MANY CAN BE UP ON THE DECK WAITING TO KILL US!" Sanji sighed "Usopp, you just don't understand how important this really is. If we don't split up, we'll both die...And I won't die without seeing Mae's beautiful eyes and her gentle smile."

Usopp suddenly realized

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Usopp suddenly realized.. "Wait a're not going save Nami..and Mae." Sanji would place both hands on Usopp's shoulders. "I will gladly sacrifice your life for Nami and Mae." Usopp couldn't believe what he just heard and responded a bit harshly "You jerk! HOW DARE Y-"

" Usopp couldn't believe what he just heard and responded a bit harshly "You jerk! HOW DARE Y-"

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