Chapter 3

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Previously on One Piece..

"I knew not to trust her!"

"The survival rate is 10%!"

"I've grown tired of you Blue Sea dweller..DIE!"

"You bastard..I'm not done kicking your ass!"

"I will never talk!!"


"Enter God Eneru! A Farwell to the Survivors as a God needs his Goddess!"

Chopper blowing the whistle as loud as he could, The Sky Knight finally arrives. "S-Sky Knight you're here!" Chopper grunted in the piercing pain from the stab wound he got from Shura. "Hmph, I'm quite surprised you still lived even after being kicked out of God's territory." Shura laughed, Ganfall's face scrunched with anger at Shura as he charged at Shura. "Face it, former God, you are no match. Why don't you just leave this land and let the little raccoon get sacrificed at the alter along with his friends?" Ganfall quickly took the chance to attack but Shura knew it was coming thanks to his Mantra. He'd stab Ganfall into the side of his chest creating a hole and a few cracks in his armor. Ganfall crashed into the Going Merry by Chopper "S-Sky Knight!!" Chopper spoke in a panicked state, tears falling from his eyes.


"I-I will never talk! She's not to be spoken about! Mae has nothing to do with this battle!" Satori shouted at Luffy on the ground, tied by Luffy's rubber limbs "She's going to be a part of my crew! Just tell me where she can be?!" Luffy spoke in an angry tone toward Satori.
"..she's a goddess..who came to Upper Yard a year ago..she could be hiding in..God's shrine." Satori struggled but to no avail.

"Well, thank you for telling us, Priest, but I'm afraid we're gonna have to send you off with a swift kick." Sanji spoke after taking a puff from his cigarette. "N-No no! Let's talk about this! Come on we can talk about this!!" Satori screamed as Sanji delivered the final kick to his face which knocked Satori to the ground "I-It's not fair!!" Satori thought as he fell in defeat

Back to now..

"Where are you guys?!" Chopper yelled out with a bit of tears from his eyes. He suddenly heard excited screaming from Luffy, and then heard the noises of footsteps on the other side. "Y-You're all ok!" Chopper jumped with excitement. "What happened to the Going Merry?!" Usopp panicked. "Nami-Swannnn~! Robin- Chwannnn~! I missed you so much!!" Sanji spun around with pure joy seeing the two ladies again.  "W-Weird old guy! Is he dead?!" Luffy said with worry in his voice. "No, he's alright and resting. He saved me from a priest..but they got away. Luckily I was here otherwise he would've been done for.."

After the long battle against Satori and the expedition. The group is finally united with each other, getting the ship off the sacrificial alter, partied with the wolves, sleep through the night as their ship was repaired back to its original and began discussing their findings before heading out for the city of gold. "So..there is more than one god in this Sky Island..?" Robin with arms crossed leaned on a tree looking over at Luffy. "Yeah! Her name is Mae Galilea! She's a chronicler and I want her to join my crew!!" Usopp flinched from Luffy's words as Zoro spat out some of his water he was drinking. Zoro coughed a bit from choking. "Another person joining our crew? But didn't you just meet them today Luffy?!" Nami exclaimed with a look of disapproval. "She's like a beautiful and delicate lavender.." Sanji said with hearts in his eyes again. "Yeah sure she is, crappy cook." Zoro snickered. "Grrr! SHUT UP! You are not in this conversation!" Sanji looked at Zoro with anger. "If you want to fight then just say so, mosshead!!"

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