Chapter 22

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Previously on One Piece..

"Eneru, please just listen to me, it doesn't have to be this way!"

"Knock over the beanstalk?!"

"Luffy, I cannot stop you from one of our new friends who wants to live free."

"Shooting star."


"Miracle on Skypiea and Mae's New Chapter! The Love Song Heard in the Clouds!"

Nami and Luffy continued riding up the falling Giant Jack, lightning striking nearly every corner of the two. "Eneru is trying to stop you from getting near him again!" Luffy keeping his eye on the Ark spoke "TOO BAD! Eneru is finished!" Down below Usopp began freaking out again "T-This bastard is trying to destroy the cloud covering us!" Robin stood in disbelief watching the ruins be destroyed..Wyper slowly got up again. "No matter how much you destroy, this city will never fall." He'd close his eyes and a sudden..BOOM! Aisa began to cry out and tried to go after Wyper, but Robin held Aisa back. "It's too dangerous." Aisa struggled with Robin. "NO! LET ME GO, WYPER!"

Eneru laughed. "I can still hear their cries from down below." He'd lift up his hand only to be greeted with a large hit in the back. "HEY YOU DA-" He'd turn to see Mae with her hands aimed right at him. "You..YOU LITTLE-" She'd remove her necklace holding it over the edge. "ENERU. IF YOU WON'T STOP THEN YOU CAN SAY GOODBYE TO THE GIFT OF OUR LOVE." Eneru smiled and laughed. "Do you forget that I can control gold with the touch of my hand because my devil fruit can melt it?" Mae slowly glared down, slowly putting the necklace back on. Eneru lifted his hand again letting a huge blast of lightning to strike Upper Yard. "UPPER YARD WILL STAND ENERU, WHAT YOU CALL VEARTH WAS A PIECE OF MY LIFE DOWN IN THE BLUE SEA." Eneru chuckled. "You'll forget about the Blue Sea when we go to the Endless Vearth."

Ganfall was shocked.. "The Vearth..isn't can we've been so blind to the speciality of this Vearth? Countless lives much blood spilled..blind for 400 years!" The Giant Jack continued to fall, Aisa was reaching out for Wyper still and Usopp was ready to run. "UMM..GUYS! We have to go now! It's about to collapse!" Wyper looked up and yelled to the sky. "GO STRAW HAT!" Luffy and Nami continued riding up Luffy shouted out "HERE I COME ENERU! IM NOT GIVING UP ON MY NEW FRIEND! GIVE BACK THE GOLDEN BELL RIGHT NOW."

Mae would step on the edge of the railing on the Ark

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Mae would step on the edge of the railing on the Ark..she'd smile and fall back. "Eneru, I love you..but I'm sorry, if you're destroying Skypiea..then you're making me disappear.." Eneru snarled, he had enough of these foolish games..a single tear would streak down his face.

"Mae, disappear along with this land."


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