Chapter 19

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Previously on One Piece...


"If we don't split up, we'll both die...And I won't die without seeing Mae's beautiful eyes and her gentle smile."

"The sky keeps getting darker..Eneru will destroy Skypiea.."

"Mae, I'm very glad to see you and hear..your angelic voice...I love you."


"Capriccio for Despair and Eneru's Rage! The Impending Doom of Sky Island!"

"My..ARK!" Eneru glared down at the unconscious Sanji "You have done something below the ark..WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY ARK?" The ship began to shake again. "You wretched fool..the gears have stopped functioning, now I have to fix it." He'd suddenly disappear to go investigate..leaving Mae alone. She'd look down at Sanji..remembering those words "I..I have an angelic voice? really have a way with words." She'd slowly slide her hand across Sanji's face, then slowly intertwining her fingers through his blonde hair. "How strange..I've never seen a man with these kinds of eyebrows.." She giggles..she'd then slowly place her hand on his chest, right where the heart would be.

"Sanji..I don't know if you can hear me..but I promise, I'll help you get out of here." Meanwhile Usopp after regaining more conscious, he'd climb back up going to rescue Sanji. He'd finally reach the top, noticing Mae is holding him..close. He'd jump onto the main deck, taking off the stick on shoes that look like like octopi. "Mae..right?" She'd look up at Usopp. "Usopp..are you here to.." Usopp nodded "Nami landed on the clouds below, so she's safe. Mae, I can promise you we'll be ok. Since our captain trusts you, I believe I can trust you too."

Usopp would lift Sanji putting him over his shoulder

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Usopp would lift Sanji putting him over his shoulder. He'd climb onto the railing, taking one last glance to Mae, nodding with a smile. "Usopp..hop!" His shoes would sprout springs and have him jump from the Ark, Mae quickly ran toward the railing hearing Usopp's sudden screaming. She'd quickly send down a star, having it suddenly catch them before they hit the clouds below. "Usopp! Sanji! Are you both ok?! I'm so sorry Sanji, you're burned quite badly..I'll make it up to you somehow.."

Meanwhile inside the Ark, Eneru was checking on the gears and fixed some that were out of line. "Curse you, blue sea dweller. Luckily, I've collected over 200 jet dials from my home land. It can keep the ship up for a while longer. But one thing bothers me..why did my love..protect that mortal? He's nothing more than a wretch. That's the one who tried to take her away and the rest of those blue sea dwellers? Hmph, they'll have to take her from my electrified hands." He'd grin. Back down below the ruins, Nami glanced at the giant vine. "That giant vine, if it's the same one I saw down in the ruins, then we are on the clouds above them." Usopp would dust himself off "You mean the City of Gold? So it is real?" Nami nodded yes "It's real, but Eneru took all the gold for himself. If the ruins are beneath us, Robin and the others are down there." Nami walked over to the waver and turned it on, Usopp glanced up at the Ark. "If I know one thing, staying here is dangerous." Nami shouted for Usopp "Usopp, let's go down and get the others!" Usopp quickly jumped on the waver, Nami looked up at the Ark one more time. "There's no other safe place in Skypiea..Mae I hope you can take my words to heart." Back with Luffy and Aisa, they were running toward giant Jack. "Luffy! Slow down!" Luffy suddenly started to spin out of control.. "HEY! QUIT BREAKING MY HOME LAND!"

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