Chapter 15

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Previously on One Piece...


"It's not that people fear God..It is God who is fear itself."

"Our navigator..he took her..and the young Mae."

"Aisa..take me to them right now."


"They Finally Clash! Luffy vs God Eneru and Mae!"

Conis sailing the waver with fast speed finally reached Lovely Street, nearly getting captured by the White Berets; One of the many branches of soldiers to guard Skypiea and started to look around with a look of pure fear and worry for the people. "It's the traitor to God! Capture her!" Conis gulped.. "Everyone please just listen.."

Meanwhile, at the Ark Maxim, Eneru was sitting on a gold shaped throne..his laugh echoed the caves of this lair of the Ark Maxim. Nami stood blankly staring at the gold. 'Look at all this gold..' She thought. Mae stood by her side comforting her from all the chaos earlier, but stood back after to be standing near Eneru's throne. "Do you remember the girl from Angel Island? I've been listening; She's causing an uproar amongst the people of Skypiea. What a great deal of noise outside." Nami then had an idea of distraction "Hey, about this Mantra ability which you both possess..can you use to locate a specific person?" Eneru turned to Nami and answered "Not usually, however I can. In addition with this and my lightning, I can pick up electrical vibrations. When I hear someone say something disrespectful, I cast judgement." Nami staring up at Eneru with surprise and Mae looking away, Mae would suddenly feel a hand slowly grabbing a hold of her wrist, then her other wrist "Run run run..while you can people of Skypiea, this is a party of death! The angels dancing for both me and my love. You, Have you seen a look of a mortal's face when they lose themselves?" Nami's and Mae's expressions changed hearing those words..This guy is nothing but a mad man!

Eneru suddenly stood up, his expression of confusion and surprise mixed into one as he blurted out "Who can that

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Eneru suddenly stood up, his expression of confusion and surprise mixed into one as he blurted out "Who can" Eneru shook his head "No it can't be.." Meanwhile back with Conis, she was pleading for the people to listen. "Criminal! You're going to kill us all! Stay away!" The people still shouting at Conis, a White beret charged at her but she pointed a burn bazooka. "EVERYONE LISTEN, WE HAVE TO LEAVE THIS ISLAND BY GOING TO CLOUD END! ENERU IS PLANNING TO DESTROY ALL OF SKYPIEA AND IF WE DONT LEAVE WE WILL DIE!" The Skypiea's people could not believe her words "Go, people of the Sky." The captain of the Berets spoke "I won't allow what happened here be just like what happened in Birka and for that blue sea dweller who's curiosity got the best of them.."


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