Chapter 13

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Previously on One Piece..

"I carry out my work as giving Goddess mercy..I don't want to kill you."

"Nami, do you think Mae still wants to join our crew?"

"The cook has been thinking about you."

"You're the one who is dying today."


"Battle in the Ancient Ruins! God Eneru's and Goddess Mae's Goal!"

Three Skypiean children were playing outside of Conis's house. A kid with a ball spoke "Hey, that's the house where the pretty lady lives. Her name is Conis!" Another child spoke "I heard that this is the location where Goddess lady lurks around, and she's a freak." The other kid spoke "And I also heard that Conis and her father are bad people and to stay away." The first child with the ball suddenly dropped it out of surprise of overhearing what their friend said "T-That can't be true! I'm sure that this Goddess is very sweet, and that Conis isn't mean!"

Meanwhile Conis on a waver, began to think. 'I can't let his death be in vain..I have to warn the others!'. A transition back to Eneru who was laughing at the thought that the four can threaten him and his goddess. "Oh just listen to yourselves!" He'd continue laughing as Nami watched on and hiding back in the piece of wall "Those two..are dangerous." Eneru finished laughing and stared back down "You all have no idea what you're up against. The four of you together don't stand a chance against me." He'd turn away from the four staring at the tall main structure of the ruins. "All of you have no understanding the extent of my true power."  Mae gasped at those words looking up..'True..power?' She thought. Ganfall had a small sweat coming down from his forehead. "Just look at you all." Eneru continued to speak pointing out each of their flaws.

"An elderly fool who just wants peace."

"A warrior who seeks revenge and the return to his homeland

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"A warrior who seeks revenge and the return to his homeland."


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