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The hospital in Trost was rather nice for a city that had been devastated by a Titan attack not that long ago. Though hospitals did tend to be one of the most funded services within the Walls, so it was no surprise that it was one of the first buildings to be repaired and up and running.

It was late in the morning when Hange and Levi arrived with Y/N in tow, they made him wear the raincoat with his hood up just in case there were any of the Garrison or MP's still around that survived the mission.

He felt pretty stupid to be honest, wearing a hood in broad daylight while Hange was wearing her uniform, but Levi was wearing normal clothes wasn't making him blend in. In fact, it was like they wanted him to stick out like a sore thumb.

When they got to Erwin's room, Hange had the courtesy to knock and wait before they were given permission to enter the room.

"Hey, you're supposed to be in bed Erwin." Levi told the Commander, who was in the middle of getting dressed.

"I need to learn how to do basic tasks again Levi." Erwin said, a grim tone to his voice. "No better time to start than the present." His eyes then lit up when Y/N entered the room behind Hange and Levi, the endless possibilities of what he could tell him.

"I see you're still in one piece Y/N." Erwin gestured for him to sit in the chair next to his bed. "I trust that you weren't treated too harshly... or maybe I should apologise." Erwin changed his tune when Y/N's face reacted to his first comment.

"I was in a coma up until yesterday, so I haven't been able to give orders." He explained himself. "You did us a great service in recovering Eren, we all owe you for that service, but now is the time for you to give us answers, I trust Levi and Hange made your situation clear to you?"

"They did." Y/N nodded. "I can't say I was too happy with the way I was treated, but I understand why it happened. You're all scared of me, and you should be. I could set fire to every district in the Walls within a week."

"To you, I am nothing but a tool that you need to save your way of life, like Eren is, except I am a lot more experienced and powerful than he could ever be." He continued on with. "You want Wall Maria back, I'll give it to you, I could do it myself if I really wanted, but I want something in return for helping you."

"You are in no position to make demands here." Hange interrupted him. "You have clearly misunderstood what this is all about, you are not a free man, you are in the custody of the Scouting Regiment. The only reason you aren't in chains with a gag around your mouth is because of your actions."

"No Section Commander, I think you've misunderstood the position that you are in."  Y/N opened his mouth and out dropped a piece of his tongue that he had bitten off when they weren't looking, along with droplets of blood.

For the first time, Hange was worried, they had given him too much freedom already, this was a huge mistake. Erwin remained stone faced in the face of possible death, while Levi had already realised that if he wanted to kill them, he would've done it already.

"I am not going to become a slave to the Scouts like Eren is, you want my help, we make a deal." Y/N told them. "Alternatively, I could think of a goal to accomplish right now, but I don't think either of us want that now, do we?"

"What is it that you want?" Erwin posed the question to him. "You might as well tell us now and get it over with."

"I would, but you wouldn't understand why I want it just now, so I'll tell you a story." He offered. "I'll tell you what I know about the Titans, where I came from and how to gain the power of the Titans, sound fair?"

"Hold on a minute, you told us earlier that you lived inside the Walls." Hange pointed out.

"That was all bullshit, I just wanted out of that cell." He admitted. "The only thing remotely true in that story was the names of my mother and uncle."

Attack on Titan x Male Reader : Marley's SpyWhere stories live. Discover now