The New Levi Squad

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After everything was said and done in the hospital, Erwin made the decision as the Commander to allow Y/N into their ranks, and while neither trusted him as far as they could throw him, ultimately he was right. They needed his power for their cause, and while they weren't exactly keen on him taking the Queens power for himself, they agreed to cross that bridge when they came to it.

Though for now, they were leaving the castle the Scouts had used as their headquarters, with the cadets from the 104th being integrated as a part of Levi's squad now to protect Eren, Historia and Y/N to some extent.

Before they left however, Levi and Hange's squads were given the rundown by Levi and Hange about what Y/N had told them. Levi felt it was only fair they knew what they were fighting for. So they were told about humanity outside the walls, how everyone out there wanted them all dead, how Titans were made, what they were and how Y/N fit into all of this.

Levi certainly did not mince his words, but he did make it abundantly clear that if anyone tried to kill Y/N out-with self defence, they would have just fucked themselves with a treason charge and the Scouts in the long run.

Most of them were horrified when leaving the room, especially Eren, he had just learned that he had eaten someone to get his power. He didn't know for sure, but his dad had been missing for five years, and since he now had the key to the basement, he could put two and two together.

And to top it all off, they were being loaded up and sent away to hide from the Military Police from the time being, so that they could experiment with Eren's Titan ability without anybody seeing anything they shouldn't.

Once they were all ready to leave and outside, they shouldn't have been surprised to see that Y/N was already sat on the cart waiting for them, but a lot of them hadn't had the time to prepare themselves after hearing about what he'd done, one of them being Petra, who had a very good idea about what he'd been up to when he'd been slacking off during training and ditching them.

A sudden surge of anger overcame her, and despite Levi's orders to not kill him, he didn't say she couldn't hit him over and over again. So the ginger haired Scout stormed over to Y/N, who was sitting on the edge of the cart, she grabbed a fistful of the hoodie he was wearing and her fist caught him square in the nose, crushing the cartilage and turning his nose into a temporary mush.

Now while Y/N wasn't exactly in the position to fight the Scouts, he was not going to sit and let himself get beat up, so when she tried to punch him again, he deflected it, broke her hold on his hoodie, shoving her back with more than enough force to send her tumbling back to the ground.

"I bet that makes you feel strong , doesn't it Petra, punching the big bad Titan when he wasn't expecting it." His face was dripping blood everywhere, all over the cart and the grass.

"How many people did you kill when you ditched training before Shadis took over?" Petra asked him, getting to her feet to face him, the group of Scouts behind her not sure what to make of the situation. "When you were sneaking off at night, how many people did you kill?"

"That doesn't matter. I did what I did to survive." He shot back.

"How many innocent people did you kill while everyone else was sleeping in the barracks?" Petra pressed further.

"You want to know? Fine." He had enough of this pretentious bullshit coming from her. "Two major gangs in the underground, dead. Two very corrupt nobles that would rather send citizens to the slaughter than spare food from the Royal reserves, dead. I've killed more than enough people to last a lifetime. Does that make you feel better now? Does that make me the monster you want me to be? Knowing that I've killed people?"

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