Cabin In The Woods

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A/N - Anything in Italics is a flashback sequence.

Cleaning the cabin they were living in was not the way that Y/N was expecting to start the next day. Levi had demanded it be cleaned by the time he and Hange's squads got back from sweeping the perimeter after the experiment the previous day.

Usually he'd want it done as soon as they arrived, but Hange wanted to experiment straight away, so by the time they got back it was already dark, and the last thing he wanted was lazy cleaning so they could go to bed.

So the next day, he had Eren, Connie and Y/N cleaning the cabin, with Eld supervising the two of them while everyone else was out getting supplies or with Levi on the perimeter sweep.

"Hey Sasha, you even try to steal anymore food and we'll have Captain Levi chop you into bite sized pieces. Got it?" Jean warned the girl as he carried in bags of supplies into the cabin.

"Who me?" Sasha asked. "I would never... probably."

"Hey, did you guys wipe the mud off your shoes before you came in?" Eren demanded, stopping his sweeping of the floor to speak to Jean.

"Huh, are you kidding me?" Jean laid out the heavy bags on a counter. "Do you not see all this stuff we're carrying?"

"You idiot... you really think an excuse like that is gonna fly with Captain Levi?" Eren sounded a little panicked. "Bad enough I had to make your bed for you this morning, now you pull this crap?"

"Oh, shut it!" Jean had enough of his persistent whining. "Who are you, my mom now?"

"We're back." Behind Jean, Mikasa came into the house holding an axe, while Historia was carrying the wood she had chopped up.

"Wait, you were chopping firewood?" Armin came over to ask.

"Gotta stay in shape somehow." Was Mikasa's response.

"You got grabbed by a Titan, you should be in bed recovering!" Armin pleaded.

"I think you're wasting your breath." Eren told him. "I caught her doing sit ups too."

"Oh, so you're a nag and a spy!"

"How the hell is that spying!"

"You know you're only human, right?" Armin persisted with trying to get Mikasa to rest.

"Funny, almost feels like we're back in the cadet corps, doesn't it?" Sasha spoke up, getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"Mhm, chaos." Armin muttered. "Makes you wonder why they chose all of us for this new Levi Squad. Protecting Eren and Historia is such an important mission."

"Because we're all so talented I presume." Sasha swiped a piece of bread, hoping that nobody had noticed.

"Sasha..." Armin noticed. "What did you just shove into your bag?"

"It's something that's definitely not bread."

"Why are you all so weird?" Y/N just had to ask. "Can't you all just be normal."

"What are you talking about? This is normal for the Scouts." Eld hopped in to the conversation. "It's you thats the weird one here." He said. "And you Sasha, put the bread back."

Sasha pretended to not know what was going on, she was sticking to her guns about not having swiped any food, which was pretty dumb considering at least three people saw her do it pretty clearly.

Within all the commotion, Captain Levi had arrived, and after inspecting the underside of the table for dust, he was not pleased at all.

"I'm quite certain I gave you enough time." Levi stated. With everyone around Sasha looking like a fool now, while Eren facepalmed.

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