Peace Talks

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A/N - Sorry for the long wait, I've had a combination of writers block and being busy.

It seemed like everything that was remotely important to Y/N happened in Odiha. The coastal city was one of the largest port cities in Marley and the world, and being on the coast down stream from the Sturmza Canal obviously helped things progress within the prosperous city very nicely.

He had met some of his very first allies in this city. Jessie, Cloud and Biggs, the three of them working at the Rasberry Ripple as a cover for their less than legal activities. They were integral to his plans to bring peace to the world and helping Eldian's secure equal rights first in Marley, then around the world.

From the ashes of the Eldian Restorationists that had collapsed almost two decades ago, the Society for Eldian equality and Equal Rights, or SEER, as they had agreed upon was born. It was a secret society for the time being, but after some reaching out and surveying that was done, which could've ended very badly for either of the three Eldian's posing as Marleyans, it turned out that anti-Eldian resentment was not as bad as it seemed.

Most of the hatred was rooted firmly in the education system and the military, where it was glaringly obvious that the treatment of Eldians as second class citizens was widely promoted. However, out in the urban cities where normal people lived, where there had been a hundred years passed since an Eldian had been turned into a Titan as an attack on Marley, it was rather docile. Most people simply didn't care enough about the threat of Eldian's in Marley.

Outside of Marley was a different story, because Marley had been turning Eldians into Titans as weapons of war for a hundred years, and especially after Zeke Yeager had inherited the Beast Titan, it had been ramped up significantly. But pure Titans hadn't been used in this war on account of the unpredictable behaviour without control over them.

"It's nice isn't it? The air of peace going around for the moment." Y/N was brought out of his thoughts by none other than Pieck, who was part of the army detachment that had been deployed to Odiha to make sure the peace summit went smoothly.

"I suppose it is." He commented, sitting with one foot crossed under his body on top of a wooden crate near the waterfront. "Though in Marley, peace is never really everlasting. It's just war, war, war with these people."

"I know." Pieck sauntered over to take a seat next to him, watching over the numerous Marleyan soldiers and Public Security Officers guarding the port, the rebuilding having been halted for the time being. "Can you blame them though? They were dominated by the Eldian Empire for thousands of years, aren't they entitled to the freedom to conquer after all those years of suffering."

"These people play with war like it's part of a child's play set Pieck. What gives Marley the right to be the only ones who can play? Why can't other nations be the one that holds all the toys?" It was a rhetorical question, and Pieck was more than smart enough to realise that. "Ah yes, that's right, it's because Marley are still the victims of atrocities committed by men and women who have been dead for hundreds of years. That's why you have to wear that armband that gives normal people the right to spit at you when you walk past them."

"You're funny Y/N. I never remembered you as such a funny guy. All those years must've really changed you." Pieck giggled a little bit. "I know you have the luxury of not having to wear one of these." She gestured to her red armband. "But the red one gives us Honorary Marleyan status. We give our bodies and sacrifice our lives for the motherland so our families can live better lives. They get Honorary Marleyan status for the rest of their lives because of our sacrifices."

"The colour of your armband doesn't give you more rights Pieck, it simply distinguishes you to Marleyans that you have a significantly higher chance of turning into a Titan if they piss you off." Y/N told her with a straight face. "The racists in Marley don't pick on Honorary Marleyans because there's a chance they could fight back. Normal Eldians didn't have that luxury of self defence against Marleyans. The court would side with a Marleyan every day of the week."

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