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"I'm seventeen years old, why am I still shaking like this? It's been five years, and I still can't get over it. What the fuck is wrong with me?"

Those were the thoughts of Abel Reiss as she, Dirk and Florian were locked up in a room at the Garrison HQ in Orvud, all of them handcuffed in a room that had every sharp object removed aside from 3 solid oak chairs left for them to sit in.

Ever since Kenny returned with that Titan boy and their half sister, it had been one disaster after another. First the Scouts showed up and fought against Kenny's squad, then their father, he turned himself into a Titan, he abandoned them, left them to fend for themselves after Frieda... she was eaten by... by...

Abel started breaking down once again as she remembered the events very vividly, she began hyperventilating, panic setting in as the world began to spin around her. She found it more and more difficult to breathe. She was struggling so much with everything that had happened.

Luckily for her, Dirk and Florian were on hand to help her, with Dirk guiding her to sit back down on one of the chairs, while Florian's cuffed hands took Abel's into her own in an attempt to soothe her.

"Calm down Abel." Dirk tried to get his sister to stop hyperventilating. "Just relax and breathe, it's going to be okay." He did his best to reassure her, they were the only three left now, it was up to them to look after each other.

"Frieda, she promised she was strong." Abel began to cry once again, tears leaking from her eyes. "But she just threw herself into his mouth... why?"

"I don't know Abel." Dirk didn't know how to answer that question. "Frieda... Frieda was an amazing big sister to all of us. She taught us all how to ride a horse, how to speak and act courteous, she wasn't perfect, but she was family, and we'll never forget her."

"Dirk is right." Florian concurred with her older brother. "We all loved Frieda, and she loved us as well. I hate what happened to her, and to father, but all we can fo now is stick by each other."

Abel looked to the floor, they were right, as per usual. There was nothing they could do now, they were all handcuffed and at the mercy of the Scouting Regiment. They were going to be put on trial for treason once their father had been killed, they would probably go to prison for a long time despite the fact they were children for most of their lives.

"Guys, I'm so sorry." Abel began to apologise to her siblings, but the two of them didn't know what she could be apologising for.

"For what?" Dirk asked. "What could you possibly be sorry for? None of this is your fault. You know that right?"

"It's not that, back in the cavern, I had that piece of shit in my sight, a piece of crystal in my hand. Nobody was looking at me, they were all too focused on getting under the Titan. I could've killed him right then and there, but I hesitated, just for a second, and the girl with the scarf stopped me." Abel told them. "That's why they restrained us all. She was too fast, and too strong for me. If I hadn't hesitated, if I wasn't such a little fucking bitch, I could've killed him and ended my pain."

"Don't worry about that monster Abel." Dirk did his best to make sure his sister knew she still had him and Florian to depend on. "Karma is a bitch, not you. That bastard will get exactly what is coming to him. Just wait and see." Dirk promised.

"I suppose so." Abel chuckled as her tears began to dry up, and just then, there was an explosion and a bright light, followed by another one shortly after coming from the wall.

Attack on Titan x Male Reader : Marley's SpyWhere stories live. Discover now