chapter 45

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Jeon Jungkook---this name jimin can never forget---this name, this person who has , those persons whom jimin wanted to be with him, be in his life---and even after all this years, deep inside in his heart , he still wants to them...

He somewhere still wants to be part of taehyung's life---- in all this years , every night jimin thinks about them--- 'how's his daughter might look like? Maybe like taehyung ?' , 'does taehyung ever thought about him by any chance?' even though he knows the answer very well but he can't stop thinking.

Jimin flinched , breaking out of his trance of thoughts when he felt a warm hand hovering his hand, jimin side glaced , and find Yoongi giving him a assuring smile like he is saying through his rare smile 'be strong , everything will be alright'.

A simple gesture makes jimin's hundreds negative thoughts aside, I leaving jimin's hand Yoongi again get busy hearing his father blubbering about something as usual.

Jimin gaze over his brother , seeing him staring at Irene 'i think I should talk to hyung later , alone' jimin sighed deciding it's better if he keep quiet for now.

"...and my brother is a well know surgeon in Seoul , his name is Kim yugyeom you guys must have heard about him" Irene said like a proud sister she is

"Yes , my friend told me about Mr kim he is well known surgeon here and if I'm not wrong we'd attend one of his seminar in jimin's college____" Mayon halt when she remembered what exactly happened that day , her face fall thinking about one of her most horrible day in her whole life__

" Mayon ?" Seojoon look at his wife , knowing well what she is thinking about , Mayon shakes her head giving a slight smile to everyone

" Jimin was involved in car crash , that same day__" Seojoon said when he finds Irene looking at his wife's sudden behavior questioningly

"Okay everyone enough with all chit chat , can we peacefully have our dinner , we still have time to get to know Irene later she is not going anywhere---" yohan said looking at everyone , agreeing with yohan the rest of dinner time went peacefully---


" Hyung I need to talk to you about something----" jimin said when he find bogum alone after dinner , everyone is now sitting in living room , talking to each other

"Jimin can we talk later I still have something important to discuss with mom and dad---" bogum cut off jimin

" But hyung it's really important too!" Jimin desperately said

"Okay okay just wait few minutes then we can talk hmm?" jimin was about to denied again but halt when he heard Irene's voice

" Yes babe?" Bogum asked looking at a worried Irene , he walked towards her asking what happened

Jimin was looking at couple desperately when he felt a hand over his shoulder , making him twirls around---

" Jimin calm down first , don't rush to talk to bogum , you can only explain things clearly to him when you are in your right mind"

" Yoongi I know I just__" jimin sighed knowing very well that yoongi is right "okay--" Yoongi break into a rare gummy smile

" Good , so let's join them?" Jimin nod giving a slightly smile to yoongi , they make their way toward the living room , and saw their presents talking

" So , any news of jin?" Seojoon asked , taejoon and Neyeon looks at each other before sighing softly

" Namjoon had told us that he is doing great but Jin didn't had contacted us after our last meeting___"

"__Six months ago" Neyeon cut off taejoon "he still hasn't forgive us"

" that's sad , but you guys deserve it" Yohan said shrugging "when you should have show your love and support to your child , you didn't then why you are expecting love and respect from him ?"

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