chapter 22

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" without taking more of your precious time I would like to start discussing on my topic instantly. As you all heard I'm a doctor , we doctors can treat diseases....we can make a ill human a Healthy and physically fine... people says 'docotors are become a human form of god' which I really disagree because it's our job we are not god and never can be but I also appreciate them who gives use that much of respect. "

" Now in present time Korean hospitality is one of most good and finest hospitality all around the world, and I'm very proud of it...but there again...there is still a dangerous disease which me or our team can't treat it only you... it's only we human can treat by ourselves and that disease call..... homophobia" yugyeom can heard some people gasp

" And if y'all thinking why I'm calling it a ' dangerous disease' then I'll tell why, because it is indeed a harm full disease for our school college we read 'we should respect all countries, all religious, every human beings ' then why we all can't respect a homosexual being? Why we hesitant whenever it's comes to a homosexual , bisexual or any other kind of sexuality expect a heterosexual being?" Yugyeom take a look of students who look like they are taking this topic seriously

" Just because they are a little different than us it's doesn't mean they are abnormal. They are simply just different or should I say special and very strong who comes out and being themselves even after knowing how some people gonna treat them as a person I really respect them."

" But sir what if they make us uncomfortable!" One student yelled from his seats making yugyeom slightly smile at him

"Why you are uncomfortable?" Yugyeom asked

"Uhmm I don't know it's like I find creepy if some a boy stared at me-e"

" You find it creepy when a boy stared at you but you won't find it creepy if it  were a beautiful girl , am I right?" That guy seems taken a back by yugyeom's statement before nodding

"Well then young man it's fault of your point of view because it's a natural thing that a human stared at other person whom he/she likes , and I guess you do the same " that guy nod with a slightly smile understand what yugyeom is saying

" That's the thing which I am talking about, it's all a person's point of view, it's 21st century and we still stuck with a unhealthy mentally toward sexuality, because we are not seeing that this homophobic thinking is harming a innocent person who's fault is that he/she just being themselves? It's really a disappoinment. Some people think it as a sin? How can be it's a sin in their eyes ? Isn't god said all lives being on Earth is his child? Then why we are treating some people differently?"

" But it's wrong " one of parents said out

" There is no such a thing right or wrong, it's their choice to whom she/he gonna like , it's their lives, it's their choice we don't have any rights to judge them, we all should stop classification things  based on the genders. " yugyeom said sighing

" all I want to say is see an human as an human." Yugyeom was going to end his speech but a sudden question gather his attention.

"Sir-r? It is possible to-o a male-e get pregnant-t" Jin finally asked , his parents glare at him while his rest of friends and all college students eye get widden.

Yugyeom look intensely at Jin before taking a deep breath "Yes" yugyeom heard all people gasp before continuing "yes it is possible"

If I said hell break down over all taehyung's friends then that would be right, they feel their heart drop.

" No ! It can't be possible !" Taejoon said firmly

" Calm down sir , it is possible let me show y'all something" yugyeom nod at his team members who climb on stage and put a computer , and connect it to the projector. And s males pic come on a view before they step back

" As y'all seeing this man, I would like to inform you all that he is the one of most rarest male on world because he is the special male who get pregnant" whispered, gasp can heard in all hall.

" I know what you all are thinking, but it's true,He is one of male pregnancy case or Mpreg case found in 1987 in Sidney ,Even though that time people are homophobic but a health organization make it work and they collect all information about it and studied on it but some homophobic powerful people don't give them permission to let this world knows about it  and after all this years most of country accept people with their gender they give them rights so they officially published it on doctoring but it's still not allowed in Korea " yugyeom share same information as he did with jungkook but he doesn't utter anything about taehyung Because he can't say anything about taehyung without taehyung's own permission, that's why he use found information.

" It's really rare to find a Mpreg male , but maybe you guys will think I'm crazy but a normal male can get pregnant too by some medical treatment, but a rare male is a natural  , god make them, give them ability, and if you think why you guys never heard about this then this is a confidential information in doctoring because of homophobic people, but since we are now talking about I share this with y'all....we all should know about this so that we can not accused someone as a liar or disgrace"

It's feel like a slap to all of them, taehyung's parents, and all friends who had laugh at taehyung and make disgusting comments , taejoon was dumbfounded...

'tae was saying true?' Jin mumbled as tears stream down from his eyes... yugyeom see him yugyeom was not dumb enough to understand that they all are some how connected to taehyung.

He intensionally said it bitterly to see their reaction but after seeing them he is confident they surely know taehyung, he clench his fist to control him to not just insult them.

He remembers taehyung's painful voice and eyes we he said he doesn't have any family or parents or friends. 

" People should ashamed on themselves for accusing someone, infact those people are the one disgrace and disappointment for society" he tries to not glare at people

" Anyway we glad to have you all here, me and my team is traveling different-   different cities to make them aware , thank you so much for hearing me" with that yugyeom climb off from stage

" Mr Han can we talk in your office" with that he leaves seminar hall

Leaving some people with so much guilt and regret.


I am sorry if I wrote anything wrong which hurt anyone's feeling.

I don't have any intention to hurt anyone 🤗 anyway I hope you like this chapter and if you want then you can also leave comments about your point of view 😊

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