chapter 51

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"___ actually never wanted to meet you or even see y'all's faces---"

Hearing this from his little brother, Jin's heart clenched he wanted to reached his brother and hugged him to end this growing pain inside his heart and that what he thought right to do.

Jerking off namjoon's grip from his hand Jin abruptly pads towards taehyung wanting to engulfed him into a hug he was craving for--- he stands front of taehyung with his teary eyes as he opened his arms to hold taehyung.

But before he can even touch him----- taehyung stepped back with blank face, shuttering jin's heart "Tae__" Jin choked out feeling hard to breathe.

" It's Taehyung" taehyung spat looking at Jin into his eyes for a mere second before averting his gaze somewhere else when he felt pang after seeing his brother's state.

" Taehyung please son let's talk___" Neyeon requested as tears stream down from her eyes "I don't want to" taehyung snapped

" Taehyung for once listen to us___" taejoon asked but taehyung was not having any of it "did you listen to me when I asked ?!" He cut off taejoon immediately looking at his father with fire and anger in his eyes.

Taejoon went silent he looked down in shame because he was right--- taehyung was right he didn't give chance to him when he was literally begging front of him.

Taehyung shakes his chuckling bitterly "Right Mr kim you didn't so why would I listen to any of you!!!" his voice get loud as the anger he'd hold inside him threatened to break out.

"He is still your father taehyung no matter what he said__" Seojoon firmly said supporting his best friend "Yes you are not thinking straight right now--" Mayon state while side hugging crying Neyeon.

"Father?" Taehyung tauntingly asked "He'd lost all his right to being called father the day he disowned me--- he might be a great father of his only son Kim seokjin but not mine"

Each word coming from taehyung is like someone was stabbing their heart again and again--- that time they feel how must taehyung had felt when they all treated him like a dust of ground.

" Taehyung__" yoongi called out making taehyung look at them--- hoseok and yoongi the two persons who come to helped him in that horrible night but is it enough to break all his wall he created for his past family ?

"Are you also not gonna talk to us buddy?" Yoongi asked feeling tears welling up in his eyes slightly which was very rare to happen. "We are sorry we couldn't help you enough back then tae" hoseok spoke as he didn't hold back his tears , yohan worriedly look at his sons.

Taehyung felt lumps in his throat , he averted his gaze for them it was becoming very hard for him to stand there anymore---- and he knows what he has to say and do now__

" I don't have anything against you hyung " he breathed out looking at yoongi "You and hoseok hyung at least tried to help me" he paused "but if you're going to take this people's side or even tries to explain them--- if that happens then I'm sorry I don't think I we can have same relation like before so think twice before you guys make a decision--"

Yoongi and hoseok's mouth went dry after hearing taehyung's sharp tongue, they look at each other in bewilderment it was like past repeating it self-- choosing one between their two friends.

"I'll give you guys time to think--" taehyung said and was about to leave but before he can even move an annoyed saerom spoke out trying to look cool front of min brothers.

"This kind of attitude doesn't suit like a faggot like you__" everyone gasped not expecting her to say this , taehyung's clench his fist facing saerom who was taken back by his glare-- because never in past taehyung ever look this intimated.

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