chapter 07

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"Tae-Taehyung?" Jin stutter out----feeling nervous

"Wow ! What a plan guys" taehyung said with bitterly voice "never thought Jin hyung can make a master plan like this" he spoke looking directly at jin's eyes

who feel ashamed, shocked as he look down yoongi namjoon and hoseok was also ignoring to make any eye contact with taehyung---

because they were involved in this conversation---

Taehyung walk towards his brother standing front of him "hyung I didn't expect you to plan something disgusting like this ! Abortion? When you become this cruel hyung?"

it feel like a slap in the face of Jin he opens his mouth to say something but couldn't be able to say anything---

"Tsk taehyung stop this drama__" jimin cut off by a hard slap jimin look up only to find a very furious taehyung "HOW DARE YO__" jimin again get cut off by another hard slap on his face---

" I should....I should have slap you long ago !" Taehyung status gritting his teeth he grabbed jimin with collar

"WHAT I EVER DID WRONG TO YOU JERK" he pushed jimin harshly causing jimin to stumble back___

"why huh?why you want to destroy my life ?" He looked at him bloodshot eyes full of hate "wait wait hold on" he chuckled---

"you" he pointed his finger toward jimin who is dumbfounded by seeing taehyung like this... because never ever in his whole life taehyung slap him nor talk like this ..

"YOU FUCKING ALREADY DESTROY MY LIFE!" taehyung yelled top of his lungs ...all went silent---

"I should have fucking slap you when you manipulated me to sleep with you!---"

"I should have pushed you away when I mistakenly sleep with disgusting guy like you!"

"I should have slapped you when you humiliated me!----"

"and you know what park jimin what I shouldn't have done?" he ask to jimin, letting out his all pain---

"I shouldn't I shouldn't have befriended with you ... I FUCKING SHOULDN'T HAVE BEFRIEND WITH SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" tears finally fall from poor boy's eyes

"I just did one mistake in my whole life, that's you, you are my worst mistake park Fucking jimn ...and I----" he chuckled hitting his head as he fall in couch---

"I'm a biggest idiot who fall in your lies your manipulation" a painful sobs escaped from his mouth

" It's not my fault you like me__"

"will you shut your dirty mouth for once jimin? Yes what if I like you huh ? I didn't fall in love with you fucker don't make it big deal !"

"I get attached to you because I was blinded to see your real face, but when you told me you only 'love' your so called girlfriend, I understand you I never look back at you again jerk !" Taehyung turns around look at his friends and brother----

"And you guys what y'all want huh you want to show off your greatness huh ?" He bitterly ask "no tae__"

"No what Joon hyung?" Taehyung cut of namjoon " yes you guys want to show your greatness that oh how great we are to solve problem between our friends" he mocks others, voice lessed with bitterness.

"This is not a problem to solve hyung this is about trust, this is about the right thing, this is about SUPPORT!" he yelled the last part

"If you guys were trusted me .. you guys were not talking to a person who is caused to all this mess" he pointed on jimin without looking at him

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