chapter 56

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"Jungkook calm down we have to act calmly" taehyung utter holding jungkook's hand to make him calm.

" And there is chances she might come to resort__" taehyung state firmly "I know noona never will act inresponsible I know she won't__" he hesitantly said because deep down he is scared too, he knows how it's feel to get lied to, get betrayed by the only person they trusted---

It's leave the deep scars in heart, no apologies, no regrets, nothing can ever heal them--- it will remains unfaded forever.

" I hope so tae__" jungkook breathes out nervously "we have to find her"

Taehyung nods "yeah let's check her room---" they abruptly walks towards Irene's room, nervous and scared.

Standing front of the close door gives taehyung and jungkook an anxious feelings, because they knew they probably lose their so called calmness if they didn't find Irene inside----

Taehyung glanced at jungkook who nods in response telling him to knock the door, taehyung hesitantly raised his hand, and knock the door twice.

"Noona-a?" his voice cracked, he anxiously look at jungkook when he didn't get any response.

"Noona?!" Jungkook called out, little bit louder, he knocked the door gripping on doorknob but he frowned when he find door unlocked

He immediately unlocked the door, but their heart sink down when they meet with nothing but darkness--- the close certains giving a slightly bit of lightning in the room but nothing more than that.

Entering the room jungkook furiously looks around the room---
"j-jungkook" taehyung's cracked voice force Jungkook to glanced at his husband, who was looking at a certain direction with horrific look

Subconsciously jungkook follows taehyung's eyes--- and he felt his knees going weak by seeing Irene there--- sitting on corner of the room---on the floor, all bundled up, looking devastated and lost.

It shattered their heart badly, they takes slow step towards Irene's, they didn't wanted to startled Irene by sudden move.

"Noona?" Jungkook crouched front of Irene along with taehyung, "hey why-y are you sitting here?" he said but the lost look at his sister's face scared Jungkook to the core

"look at me noona---" he demands trying to get any response from her, after not getting any response jungkook softly cupped her face bringing her teary face up.

" Noona, talk to me, I'm here for you---we are here for you" jungkook said calmly while glancing at taehyung

And this seems to broke Irene silence as a choked sob escape from her lips as more tears rolled down from her bloodshot eyes

"jung-gkook, he-e__" she utter between her cries "he lied jungkook-k he lied-d"

Jungkook immediately embrace her, wrapping his arms around his sister protectively "shhh I know__I know noona-a"

Irene clutches over her brother's shirt tightly as her cries echo into the resort room.

suddenly jungkook'phone start buzzing making him frown, nonetheless he decided to ignore it---focusing to calm her sister.

But the very next moment another phone ring echos in the room--- as taehyung immediately pull out his phone and he almost declined it if it wasn't yugyeom's call

"jungkook hyung is calling__" taehyung utter asking jungkook if he should receive it or not.

"talk to them Tae"

"but what if they ask---"

"then tell them!" even though jungkook didn't really mean to snap at his husband but his did snapped out of frustration "tell them everything I don't care I'm so done with handling situations calmly! enough is enough!"

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