chapter 14

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Jimin rushed back to his house and shutting his room's door loudly he groaned out of frustration

"what the heck! Why I'm keep thinking about that taehyung!? Agrhhh" he pulled his hair as he sat down on his bed facepalmed himself

Ever since taehyung Leave everything messed up here ...Jin blame himself for reasons behind why taehyung leaves ..and speaking of taehyung's parents they still didn't try to find taehyung..but it is obvious that their family fall apart...Jin stop talking to his parents and he actually stopped talking to anyone besides his best friend Namjoon ....

And about Min brothers... hoseok and yoongi both break up to their girlfriend rose and Lisa for all those chaos they had created back there ..all couple break apart cause of this ... hoseok is more calm rather than yoongi who don't even like to see jimin face Yoongi even don't talk properly with Jin ever since taehyung leave.....

And about jimin ...he is messed after taehyung leaves jimin keep thinking about him..he went to bar to drink until his passed out or hooked up with some random girls beside his girlfriend Jennie ... it's only almost a week and their life already turned into a misery....

On the other hand jimin again thinking about one person... taehyung..."why jimin why you are thinking about that freak! ?" He yelled at himself

Do you have feeling for taehyung?

This question keep repeating in his brain since he left Jennie's house "No I don't like him! I can't! " He yelled as his eyes cought his and taehyung's photograph  from thier highschool farewell party ... looking Happy together as a a soulmates...

He walked towards that photo and picked it up staring at his old self...' when things get changed? Where we went wrong? ......or I went wrong?'
He thinks before present time hit him making him snapped out of past before he harshly shoved photo frame on floor breaking photo frame glass in to pieces

" It's all yours fault taehyung!" Jimin scream " it's all yours god damnit fault! If you only didn't had make that ridiculous excuse ! We had been normal till now!" He keep ranting on no one but a ....lifeless photoframe

" Because of your lie people think wrong about me! But you know what I fucking don't care!" He rants again "and I'm happy that you leave my life I don't even want to see your pathetic face!" He yelled as he fall down in floor leaning against bed ...but in the end he couldn't help but think

Am I really happy after taehyung leaves?

Is it really taehyung's fault or it is mine?

" OH MY GOODNESS!" taehyung almost screamed when he saw a luxurious stores... jungkook laugh loud on taehyung's reaction so apparently both are went to shopping finally  and taehyung can't help but keep looking in awe everywhere and particularly each thing "OMG kookie look at this!" He pointed toward a purple and creamy white teddy bear  ... "Isn't it so cute?" He bend down looking over glass inside to teddy bear

"Do you want this?" Jungkook asked taehyung quickly get up shaking his head saying 'just seeing ' as he skipped over mans wear store but unfortunately his face fall when he look inside jungkook noticed this as he shakes taehyung a bit "what's wrong ?" Taehyung pout as he look at jungkook like a five year old kid who doesn't like his toy

"It's so dull kookie..I wants colors" jungkook chuckled he knew taehyung will react like this ... strange right? How jungkook know taehyung well in such a short time

" I knew you will say something like this but don't worry we aren't buying this clothes" taehyung release his breath which he himself didn't realize he hold it. He saw jungkook call out a lady who is maybe a worker

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