chapter 19

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Taehyung and jungkook break their eye contact when they heard a 'cough' taehyung instantly turn around and look down at his plate

" Uhmm master jungkook shall I plate your dinner?" Julia asked jungkook only nod as he walk close to dinning table settling himself front of taehyung.... Jungkook feels really nervous to even sat close to taehyung... nonetheless he keep glancing at taehyung who is now looking down doesn't looking at jungkook anymore.. it's really awkward now and jungkook blame himself for this situation...

Julia leave them alone going to sleep at jieuns, jungkook aunt's house across street, jungkook look at his plate poking food with fork , he look up only to find taehyung still looking down while toying his food too..

For God sake jungkook say something bitch don't be coward!

Jungkook cursed himself before parting his lips to speak
" Taehyung why aren't you eating?" It's a very obvious thing which jungkook asked...

Taehyung didn't say anything as he keep his head low and heard jungkook's beautiful voice.. feeling his emotions overwhelmed... after having jungkook close to him he feels so many different emotions...anger , disappoinment, hurt , happy, longing..

" Tae?" Jungkook call out "tae talk to me please "  after hearing this few words taehyung head snapped up looking directly at jungkook's eyes...poor boy didn't realize his eyes are teary... jungkook heart break seeing tears in taehyung's eyes..and what makes it worse is he is caused of those tears in taehyung's eyes

" Oh so you finally decide to talk to me huh?" Taehyung bitterly snapped... even though taehyung wanted to talk to other..even though he just wants to tell him how much he had missed jungkook ..but he couldn't compose himself ... Feeling anger getting best of him ...

" Tae " jungkook sighed " I'm sorry tae__" he cut off by a loud sounds which is caused by taehyung's chair  falling down as jungkook look at taehyung who is standing looking angry but anyone can see he is hurt by seeing into his teary glaring eyes

" You are sorry huh? After ignoring me almost a Fucking month you are sorry? You know what I fucking hate you " taehyung run toward his room, jungkook cursed as he run behind taehyung

Taehyung reached his room tried to lock it but before he could jungkook was already there blocking him from locking the door

" Tae , I'm sorry let me just explain " jungkook walk in as taehyung backed away from him

" NO! leave me alone nah like you did these past few weeks!"

" Tae__"

" I'm not listening to your bullshit that you were busy okay ? Just get out!"

" Just listen__"

" NO! YOU LISTEN TO ME!" taehyung yelled as tears start streaming down from his beautiful...yet bloodshot eyes
" You-u hurt me-e..... you left-me ... like them-m" taehyung said in a broken voice wheezing and sobbing

" You-u__" he was wheezing too much that he can't even say words properly or breath stably, jungkook instantly pulled taehyung close to him by his(tae's) head and wrapped his other free arm around him....

" Shhhh tae...breath baby breath I'll listen to you just breath.." jungkook whisper softly into taehyung's ears softly patting his head his eyes getting teary to by hearing taehyung's sobs, and taehyung cried.... taehyung cried hard...he let his all pain let out into tears...

Jungkook softly moved his body till he reached bed's edge as he sit down and softly pulled taehyung into his lap ...who is to still crying hard for noticing anything..

Jungkook look at the beautiful pretty boy on his lap crying...but still looking beautiful... jungkook carefully wrapped his arms around taehyung caging his tiny body in his arms


" You left me jungkook... just like them ... You don't know how much it's hurts... you are so mean to do this to me...." Taehyung cried

" I was scared....I thought-t you will disowned me leave-e me like my family did-d ..."

" Tae___"

" I thought-t you realized that I'm-m useless-s , I'm-m good for nothing-g" he keep crying not letting jungkook say anything as he wipe his tears with his paws

" It's hurts-s kookie when-n you ignore-e me , I hate-e you for ignoring me-e...I hate you for leaving-g me
I hate you because-e I Fucking can't hate you-u" he sobbed hard like five year kid

" Tae__" jungkook again get cut off

" Oh Lord I hate myself for not being enough...i Fucking hate it that I fall for you-u" taehyung cried loudly not realize what he just said ...but jungkook did , his eyes get widden as he look at crying taehyung on his lap

" You are so-o handsome talent rich kind and me? I'm nothing...a ugly useless person-n... I'm such a disappoinment... please-e don't hate me for loving you... please don't kick me out-t"

" Taehyung__"

" I want to be with you- jungkook I'll do anything you want... I'll do your all household-d but just let me be with you-u ... don't ignore me again-g "

" Listen to me__"

" There is no one for me except you-u .... please... don't leave me...but Fucking hell I'm clumsy-y don't hate me if I break something-g" taehyung keep ranting about himself not looking at jungkook who desperately wants to say alot

" I know I'm not perfect but____" finally taehyung shut up when two soft pairs of lips capture his lips

And readers start screaming :")


I'm really sorry for late update guys I have some issues

Anyway...i hope you like this chapter..anddddddd for you I'll double update tonight!!!!!! 😀

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