chapter 33

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It was three in the morning when jungkook stirred in sleep and turn his left side , but even in his sleepy state he frowned when he didn't find a strong clingy grip on his forearm

His eyes flutter open when he didn't feel warmth beside him because taehyung always is clingy to his side whenever he sleep

The frowned get deeper when he finds his empty side he instantly sit up and on the lamp on nightstand "baby?"

He call out but no answer, he get up from bed and walk towards bathroom "baby are you inside?" When he didn't get any response he opens the bathroom door and again taehyung wasn't inside

He closed the bedroom's door and walk out of their bedroom and start walk towards kitchen when he halt in middle

"Why I didn't think this?" He said to himself when he saw taehyung sitting on couch leg crossed, eating a bowl of strawberries dipping them in wipped cream while sipping milk, he walk towards taehyung who is too busy to even notice him

Taehyung was enjoying his strawberries when two familiar slippers comes in his view he looked up and find jungkook looking down at him while his both hands either side of his hips

" Hi there baby tiger" jungkook said trying to seemed mad "how many times I said , wake me up if you are hungry , thank God I decided to shift our bedroom downstairs otherwise what will happen huh?"

Taehyung huffed turning back to jungkook "don't lecture me right now , I didn't wake you up because I thought you are tired after getting chased by jiji, hyung, and noona even Julia too"

Jungkook winced remember the scene , how they had chased behind him when he told them what exactly happened

They we're furious that how the hell he can propose taehyung without telling them!

Jungkook he questions back them that 'is it a proposal?" And that's the biggest mistake, jieun literally grab a vase and chase him saying "how can you be so dumb?"

And yugyeom, Irene and Julia was doing nothing but helping jieun. thank God there was John too who finally burst out and pull all them out , saving his favorite big kid from rest of ruckus

He shakes his head getting out of the scene , he shivers even thinking about it , he glanced at taehyung who too busy in munching strawberries to even care about him

He plopped beside taehyung, sitting in crossed legs just like taehyung and tries to grab one strawberry when he felt a hard slap on his extend hand he hissed and pull his hand back and find a glaring taehyung

"Not my strawberries get yours!" taehyung said hiding his strawberry bowl between his arms

" C'mon baby sharing is caring , don't you care about your Kookie anymore?" Jungkook said making a sad face , taehyung look at jungkook and saw his sad face oblivious that jungkook is just acting

"Okay fine you can have some okay , only some!" Taehyung said turning to jungkook and put the bowl over his baby bump

Jungkook chuckled looking at this "you are using your baby bump as a table?" Jungkook laugh as he sat , facing taehyung

" My tummy , my baby bump I'll do whatever I want--" taehyung said

Jungkook got an idea as he gasp loudly "really princess ? That's bad"

"What are you saying--" taehyung asked looking at jungkook, jungkook look at taehyung and smile sheepishly

" Nothing , just talking to my sad princess" he mumbled , taehyung scoffed

" Stupid she is still in my tummy how can she talk to you?" Taehyung rolled

" Well it's your choice believe me or not " jungkook shrugged and start mentally counting

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