chapter 37

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" hey ! Flight has landed" a unknown person shakes Jimin making him snapped out of his thoughts

Jimin look outside and see indeed they had landed--the flight finally reached Seoul...

No matter how hard it was for jimin to leave taehyung and their daughter there far away from him , he still willing to do everything to make taehyung happy and now taehyung's happiness is jungkook

With a heavy heart jimin step on Seoul airport and start walking toward exist but his mind was keep thinking about whatever happened in New York

"Mr park!" Someone yelled jimin's name jimin turn to look at the person only to find their driver to stand there with car

Jimin had called his father last night before taking his flight and inform his father that he is coming back seojoon didn't asked anything or more like didn't mock him which jimin was very glad

He walked toward his driver "take a cab and go back with my luggage" jimin said "give me the keys"

"But Master jimin---"

" I didn't shutter Han--" jimin hissed looking at his driver who look down

" Sorry Master jimin" jimin sighed and "I just want to be alone for awhile okay?"

"I'm sorry Master here is the keys and I'll inform Mr and Mrs park"

Within few minutes jimin was on the road driving aimlessly ,he doesn't know where he is going but right at the moment he just not wanting to face his parents or more likely his father

But even while driving his mind was filled with thought of taehyung , his new born baby

' I hope you will be happy now taehyung' he thought

" Of course he will after all I'm far away from him!" Jimin said chuckling sadly through his teary eyes

"It was painful leaving you there but fuck---- now when I'm finally so far away from you both---- it's just unbearable tae" he said to no one biting his lips to held his sob back

He was so lost in thought that be didn't see a black car coming towards him while pressing horn to signal jimin's car to get aside

When car get near and make a loud sound only then jimin come out of his trance and look ahead with a horrific look he quickly turn his car on left side to avoid any impact and the other car did the same but on right side

Jimin sweats badly as he breath heavily he almost killed himself ...

Both car stopped their jimin was in shock when he heard a loud bang on his car window he quickly unlocked the door and comes out

"YOU FUCKER ARE YOU TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME YOU COME OUT----jimin?" Jimin the other person in shock he never thought in this whole world he have to almost crash his car over___


Yoongi facepalmed himself and groaned hard "you must be kidding me ! Again you park fucking jimin!"

"why the hell I always find you in dying situation?! And--This time you were about to kill me too! I fuckin can't believe!" he fake laughed hysterically

Yoongi rubbed his forehead as he look helplessly at jimin "see Jimin if you really desperately wants to die please try somewhere else , where I will never...I repeat like never go there because I'm fucking tired of finding you in this kind of situation I'm a human too dude my heart won't be able to see another suicide attempt!"

" I wasn't-t trying to die its-s just i---" jimin stammered looking down

" Thinking about taehyung?" Yoongi said looking at jimin " jimin ! It's been months ! You have to move on you can't find him--" yoongi was cut off by a sob

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