10. Football game

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*I didn't edit this for spelling/grammar so sorry about that but I'm tired, I might do it later tho and if you see anything you can point it out politely and I'll try and change it,*

*Peter's POV*

Just go give it back to him.

What if he's asleep?

Then you come back here and give it to him in the morning.

But I could wake him up. He could get mad at me!

He won't get mad you're giving his sweatshirt back.

This was the current conversation I was having with myself while I tried making random shapes on the walls with my web shooters. Yes I do that sometimes when I'm bored and no they're not very good. Harley left his sweatshirt in the living room so I grabbed it for him. And I planned on giving it back but I wanted to see if it fit me, and if it smelt like him....

And yes it did.

I paced around my room in it and drew in the walls for a bit because I thought it would be awkward if I went over right after we just hung out and I don't want to seem clingy. But how's it's been a few hours and it would be way more awkward if I went over there now so that lands us to me currently overthinking.

I decided to just go over there now and if he's asleep I'll just do it tomorrow. I take off his sweatshirt and but a plain gray T-shirt. I smelled his sweatshirt one more time, not in a creepy way, and realized it no longer smelt like him. It smells like me.


Great job Peter way to go.

It's not that bad, he won't notice.

Yes he will, you would notice if something smelled different.

Probably not, I'm very oblivious to everything.

And with that final thought I walk over to Harley's and knock on the door. Of course with my luck he's only wearing boxers. And he's fucking hot.

For the love of god stop staring!

I'm not staring!

"Uh Peter what are you doing here?" He asks.

"Oh right um sorry, I didn't think you'd be awake, but you forgot your sweatshirt." I feel my face get hot with embarrassment.

"Oh cool thanks." He says.

"Yeah no problem." We stand there for awhile just looking at each other. "Well goodnight, see you tomorrow."

"Night." He closes the door.

I turn around and let out a breath. "Good one Peter." I head back to my room and clean up the webs on the wall. Wouldn't want Harley to come in here and think that I have a spider problem. I do but not in that way.

After cleaning everything up I didn't know what to do. I know I should be tired but I felt like my blood was rushing. I had a million thoughts going through my head. I decide to go for a late night or early morning swing through the city. I put my suit on and walk over to the window. I loved the city at this time. I pull my mask over my face and shoot a web as I jump from my room. The cold air felt amazing as I swung through. It was starting to get into that fall time of year and the leaves were starting to turn. I remember how there's a football game coming up, I should invite Harley.

"Karen remind me to invite Harley to the game tomorrow." I say as a gust of wind made its way through my mask making me colder. "And turn on the suit heaters, only a little bit."

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