14. Cats outta the bag

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*Peters POV*

"I have to go." My voice shakes as I grab my sweatshirt and practically run out of the room.

"Peter wait!" I hear but it's too late and I'm already shutting the door behind me.

I get to my room and immediately shut the door. Shit shit shit. How did I mess up that badly? I stand in the middle of my room like an idiot not knowing what to do. I kissed him! Like actually kissed him! God he must hate me now. You just had to ruin it didn't you Parker. And now he saw my big scar on my ribs, he probably thinks I'm in a fight club or weird shit like that. That's if he hasn't found out yet. What the hell am I'm going to tell him?

Like oh hey remember when we kissed and the you found this big mark on my side? Don't worry about it, I just ran into a really big wall.

I flop down onto my bed and scream into my pillow. Fuck. What do I do? I can't go talk to him now, who knows of he'll ever want to talk to me again. What kind of person runs away after kissing their friend.

After a while of me hyperventilating and rewatching the whole thing in my head a million times I decide to do the sensible thing. Call Ned and MJ.

They pick up the FaceTime at about the same time very confused about my random call, but before they can ask I blurt it out.

"I kissed him."

"What?!" They both say in unison.

"I kissed him. I kissed Harley freaking Keener, then ran away and have been hiding in my room ever sense." I say all in breath.

"Oh my god finally, it took you long enough." MJ finally speaks instead of just staring at me. "Why on earth would you run away? Was he that bad of a kisser?"

I feel a blush creeping onto my face, "No he was far from a bad kisser, but that's not the point. It was going fine and then his hand was under my shirt and-"

"Oh under your shirt?" Ned cuts me off raising an eyebrow.

"No not in that way, well I mean he's in that way but," My face is now fully red at this point. I can not talk about these things like a normal person. "His hand was under my shirt and basically he saw my scar and I panicked and ran away because how the hell do I explain to a person why I look like I got impaled by Poseidon or some shit without sounding like a complete lunatic."

I expected my very well thought out speech of the moment to earn my some sympathy, that was until I hear MJ laughing. "I'm sorry but why don't you just explain to him what happened and you know... tell him you're Spiderman. It'll make you're life a whole lot easier. Remember all the trouble you went through to hide it from us. And this guy lives with you for gods sake!"

"I can't just tell that to someone like I would tell them I got a new job or something. What do I say like, 'hey sorry for kissing you and then running away but in my defense I am Spiderman.' He would absolutely hate me and think I'm crazy if he doesn't by now."

"One, yes tell him just like and send me a video for the reaction. Two, he definitely does not hate you, think you are crazy? Yeah probably but everyone does but trust me he does not hate you."

"I personally am on MJ side with this one because it more trouble than it's worth to hide it and besides you two have been flirting since he's gotten here. It's about time this happens." Ned chimes in.

"You guys don't get it. It's dangerous for him to know, for anyone to know!" I exclaim.

"He lives in a tower with literal superhero's, I do not think it'll put him in any extra danger." Says MJ.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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