7. Plan B.

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(A/N So it's been a hot minute (minus the hot) but um hi I don't know how you stuck around this long but um here's and update. Also we just hit 300k reads and just like thank you guys so much you have no idea how much that means ILY. And if I forget anything or repeat stuff that's because I forgot what I was doing and I'm too lazy to reread the whole thing)

🕊R.I.P. Chadwick Bosemen I know this is late but you will be missed

*Peter's POV*

"Well that didn't work!" I flop down on Harleys bed. This kind of became our thing, every time we talked we would just flop on each other's bed.

"How are we supposed to get through to them, if their best friends can't even do it?" He lays down next to me.

"Ugh, why do they have to be the most stubborn people on the planet?"

"Yeah I know. I wonder who's the top." Harley smirks.

"The top of what.... Ewwwww Harley that's my dad." I exclaim once I realize what he said.

He rolls over in laughter, "Oh my god! You should've seen the look on your face!" He continues to laugh while I shudder.

"Disgusting." I mutter. "Okay so I might have a plan..."

*Time Skip*
*Harleys POV*

"Steve! Come quick! It's Tony in the lab!" I run into the gym. "It's an emergency!"

"What?! Tony!" Steve sprinted of the room.

I chased after him but he was super fast. He went right past the elevator and took the stairs instead.

"Oh my god." I sigh.

When I finally got down there I saw Steve running into the lab.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. close lock the doors." I hear Peter say.

Steve turns around, but it's too late. We just trapped him in a room with Tony. This could either go really really well or... absolutely terrible.

"Holy *gasp* Crap *gasp* He's *gasp* really *gasp* fucking *gasp* fast." I panted when I got to Peter.

"Oh are you out of breath." Peter smirks.

"Shut up." I punch him lightly on the arm.

Damn he's kind of ripped.

He gave me an offended look, "We probably shouldn't watch this, could get awkward."


"F.R.I.D.A.Y. Don't let them out until they forgive each other." Peter turns to walk away. I slowly follow still out of breath.

*Steve's POV*

"Steve! Come quick! It's Tony in the lab! It's an emergency!" Harley burst into the gym.

"What?! Tony!" I sprint towards the lab forgetting everything. I ran as fast as I could skipping the elevator because I knew it wouldn't be fast enough. I ran into the lab but then I heard the doors close.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. Lock the doors." I hear Peter behind me.

I spin around but by now the doors are locked. Harley runs behind Peter clearly our of breath. I hear part of the conversation when they say something about not getting out until forgiveness. What? I look around and finally spot Tony. It was just us in the room now. He was working on something so he hasn't even realized I was here yet. He looks tired. Really tired. Like he hasn't slept in days.

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