8. Fuck... I like him

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(A/N so uh hey to all the people who decided to stay for some reason with my awful updating schedule and uh thanks for staying. It's my first year in high school and my mental health is like a fucking roller coaster it keeps getting better and then just goes down real fast for no reason so sorry about this but updating makes me feel like I've done something.

I'm also addicted to tiktok and I'm in love with Fred Weasley

(I also just re read most of this book and omg the spelling mistakes are so bad I'm so sorry I suck at spelling and grammar and some parts were sooooo fucking cringey I'm sorry lol)

*Peter's POV*

"You're such a bad liar." Ned rolled his eyes.

"Am not!" My cheeks heat up a little. "Besides I'm not lying anyway I don't like him!" Ned and I were on FaceTime arguing about wether or not I liked Harley. I was just telling him about how we came up with the plan to get Tony and Steve back together and how I think he just has really pretty blue eyes. There like really pretty.

"Peter!" Ned taps the camera on his phone to get my attention. "Stop daydreaming about the things you want to do to Harley for a few seconds and actually have a conversation." My face got even more red.

"That's not what I was thinking about."

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "Then tell me what you were thinking about?"

"Um I uh."

"Exactly you're in denial. You know MJ and I have a bet about how long it's going take you two to admit your feelings for each other and get together." He smirked.

"Admit are feelings for each other, really? One I don't have feelings for him. Two he's probably straight. And three even if I did like him and he was into guys he would never like someone like me. He too hot and cool." I ranted. I could go on for ever about how cool and hot Harley is but not in that way you know. It's like a friend thing, compliments.

"One you most definitely have feelings for him. Two he could be into guys and I think he is because MJ has a feeling and she's normally right. Three you are obviously head over heels for him because you just called him hot and cool and your eyes always light up when you talk about him. And four I'm cool and hot and I still hang out with you." He laughs at the last part.

"Okay but did you have to make a bet with MJ?" I try and steer the conversation away from me. "You know that no matter what she's like always right and she always wins bets." It's true, she figured out I was Spider-Man, she figured out Tony and Steve, and I've literally never won a bet against her.

"You're probably right but she would make fun of me if I didn't take it. It's for my pride you know."

"Totally." It was my turn to roll my eyes. "Oh I forgot to tell you Shuri's coming over tomorrow if you wanted to come over I'm inviting MJ too and I thought it be cool for her a Harley to finally meet." T'challa has to stay in Wakanda but Tony said it was fine for Shuri to come and Wanda missed having another girl around.

"Yeah that sounds super cool. We gotta make sure she'll approve of you and Harley, maybe she'll even join in on the bet." He says.

"Oh great that'll be so much fun." I say sarcastically already dreading it. Another person to make fun of me for who I like. Well I mean not like like but someone who I just think is fun to be with and very attractive that they just think I like like. Make sense?

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