12. Gone Wrong

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Trigger warning for homophobia/slurs and also slight violence.
*Peter's POV*

I was currently sitting with Ned and MJ eating lunch and telling what happened over the weekend.

"I don't know what I should do, he probably wants space but I don't want to leave him alone because I know that grief makes people do stupid things." I say recalling from when I've been there. "But I also don't know what to say to him sometimes because I get nervous and I'm not great at comforting people. Hell I can't even comfort myself!"

I didn't tell them all the details because it's technically classified so I only told them someone we've had encounters with planned what happened to Harley's family. I also left out the part about me being with him while he was crying because I think that'd be too personal.

"You don't have to talk to him Peter, sometimes all someone needs is for somebody to be there and listen." MJ says.

"But what if he doesn't want me to be the one to listen to him, what if he thinks I'm annoying?!"

"Trust me, the last thing Harley thinks of you is that you're annoying. Have you even seen the way he looks at you?" MJ says and I give her a weird look. "All I'm saying is that he's into you and would probably actually enjoy your company at a time like this."

I shake my head, "He definitely not into me, he's way too cool for that. But maybe I'll try that." As much as I hoped, Harley would never like someone like me.

"You know Peter some people actually like hanging out with you." Ned speaks up. "I mean MJ and I do and we're pretty cool."

"Nah that's because no one else will put up with you guys." I say jokingly glad that the subject is changing.

"Uh I'm so hurt!" Ned mock cries.

We continue to talk for the rest of lunch and I even managed to bribe Ned into doing my Spanish homework, which made MJ roll her eyes in disapproval but she didn't say anything. Eventually we had to go separate ways because our next classes were all different and no where near each other. I had history which I was no good at so it was my least favorite class. What's even worse is that I have to share it Flash and it's the one subject he's better at than me.

I try to walk there I fast as I can without crashing into the other students. My shoe was untied but I had no time to fix it. The classroom is also one the complete other side of the building from the cafeteria and is on the third floor so it really couldn't be further. I was almost at the class when I heard a voice yell out from behind me.

"AY PENIS PARKER WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?" Flash yells out. Most students were in class by now and the few others quickly ducked into another room.

Cowards. I think bitterly.

"I'm going to class because that's where smart people go to actually learn things." I say sarcastically.

"Oh please we both know you're absolute shit in that class." He says, stepping towards me. As he gets closer I can see that there's a nice sized bruise on his chin from the game Friday.

"Did you not have enough makeup left to cover that bruise on your chin, considering you use it all trying to fix everything else with your face." I shoot back. I feel a small bit of pride knowing I'm the one that caused it.

That pride was quickly washed away after what he said next, "I don't where makeup, not like you and your faggot boyfriend the other night."

My stomach dropped when I heard that, "H-he's not my boyfriend." I say but can barley get it out.

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