1. He's back

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*Peters POV*
"Mr. Stark, we won. You did it sir." I said.

No no no, not again.

"I'm sorry, Tony."

God I hated this moment.

I slowly backed away as Pepper took my place. I can't imagine what she must've been feeling watching as her best friend died. I wasn't listening well but I did hear her say-
" You can rest now."
- then I watched as his arc reactor powered down.

I couldn't believe it, Tony Stark, my father, was gone.

All of a sudden his eyes opened and he looked at me.

" It's all your fault" He said.


I woke quickly with tears in my eyes. I always hated that dream. What made it worse was it wasn't just a dream it was true.

I never even got to call him dad.

I shook my head. I knew I can't think like that. I have to move on, it's what he would've wanted.

I sat up and looked at the clock. It's only 9:45 and I don't have school today. I decided to stay in my room for another hour not wanting to go and eat breakfast teary eyed.

Once I finally decided to go downstairs I threw on a sweatshirt and some sweat pants, and walked towards the kitchen area.

When I got down there I saw Aunt Nat and Wanda sipping coffee and talking.

"Hey kiddo how'd you sleep." Aunt Nat said.

"Pretty good, felt nice to sleep in." I replied. I didn't tell her about the nightmare though because I didn't want her to worry and they happen most nights anyway.

" I made some strawberry pancakes earlier if you'd like some." Wanda said.

I like Wanda she's super nice. She's the one who's closest to me age wise so we've gotten a lot closer these past few months.

" That'd be great, those are my favorite." I said back putting on a small smile.

" I'll just heat them up for you then." She said kindly, already getting them ready.

(A/N I tried making strawberry pancakes this morning because I found I good recipe and I was super excited but they came out really bad and now I'm sad.)

I sat down at the little island thing we were all standing around.

A few minutes late Uncle Clint walked in.

"Hey kid we missed you during movie night last night." He said while patting me on the back.

"Sorry I was just a little behind on school work so I had to catch up." I lied. I did really wanna watch the movie last night but I was tired and Flash was being extra annoying at school yesterday.

"Always doing that school work." He joked as he put an arm around Nat, they got married a few months ago. I'm happy for them they really love each. They try really hard to be involved in my life, since they can't have kids of their own.

It's nice but no one could replace Aunt May or Tony.

They'd probably end up dying like everyone else who tried to take care of me.

Stop it. Stop thinking like that.

Sighing I stood up. "I think I'll head up to my room now I got patrol this morning, see ya." I started to walk away.

" See ya." they all replied.

I basically ran back upstairs excited to go out on patrol - I feel like I haven't been spider man in forever even though I had patrol last week. I've been going out less and less mostly because the other avengers have been worrying that I was going out to much and I needed to rest a bit more. But it really helped me clear my head, especially after the whole Mystrio situation.

No do not think about that. It's wasn't your fault.

When I reached my room I quickly changed into my suit and jumped out the window swinging from the nearest buildings. The crime rate has been pretty quite lately so it took me awhile it actually find anything.

Eventually I saw some guy trying to take a girls wallet and had her backed into an alley. I quickly swung down and webbed his arm onto to dumpster.

"What the hell man!"He yelled in frustration.

"Don't think this belongs to you mate." I said taking the wallet from him and handing it back to the girl.

"Thank you so much Spider-man!" She said excitedly before running out of the alley.

Luckily the police station wasn't far from here so I was able to walk the thief down and hand him over.

Once that was over I continued swinging above the city. I saw Flash walking downing the street vlogging. I rolled my eyes.

He's such a dick. I thought to myself.

I was done with my patrol but I decided to sit on top of one of the tall building for a little while.

That's when I got a call from Aunt Nat.

"Hello?" I asked confused.

"Hey kid so we need you back here ASAP, something really big just happened." She said quickly.

"Oh um okay then, on my way." I said as she hung up.


When I got back to my room Wanda was standing in the doorway.

"Hey so um what's going on?" I asked.

"You'll see, come down to the living room." She looked both sad and happy at the same time. Weird.

I followed her all the way to the living room and that's when I saw him.

He was sitting right there on the couch next to Steve.

It's Tony Stark.

"Mr.Stark." I said quietly.

He somehow heard me and looked up. "Pete. You're okay." He said relieved.

I could feel my self tearing up.

"H-how is this even possible I thought you were de-." He cut me off by walking over and giving me a hug.

I started sobbing into his shoulder.

"Shhh it's okay Pete I'm right here." He said calming me down.

"B-but you died. I saw you. After you saved us and killed Thanos." I said trying my best to stop crying.

"I know and I'll explain it to you here come and sit." He said waking back over to the couch.

"Now this is gonna sound super confusing but you have to trust me alright." He looked me in the eye.

I nodded not sure if I could speak without completely losing it.

Tony's back, he's really back.

(A/N wow so um I know that this chapter was kinda boring but it was important so yeah. Hope you liked the first chapter and it wasn't to confusing. It's also like 1 am where I am and when I was writing but oh well. I'll get the next part out soon but pls vote and comment I know the plot hasn't really started yet and Harleys not here yet (He probably won't be in the next 1-2 chapters either sorry) I just really want to clear everything up first and yeah so that's it enjoy your day and/or night :)

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