11. Deserving

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*Harleys POV*

That morning I woke up late. I had been up all night thinking about what happened.

I don't know why Peter wouldn't tell me about Flash. I mean honestly who names their kid that, if it's a nickname why would he want that. I've dealt with stupid bullies like that before and I know how hard it can be to go through it.

That wasn't even the biggest thing bothering me.

It was that him and MJ kissed. Sure he said that it was because some guy was hitting on her but it kept bugging me. I don't think it's jealousy, I just get this weird knot in my stomach whenever I think about it and I keep thinking about how close they seem every time we hang out.

Totally not jealous.

I remember calling Peter cute last night too. I cringe at the memory. How could I be so stupid. He doesn't even like me that way.

I get out of bed and see that I'm still wearing the same clothes from last night. I don't feel like changing and these clothes aren't that gross so I decide to keep them on.

I walk down stairs and find Peter making breakfast and waiting for his toast in the kitchen.

"Hey." I say walking over to him to make myself a coffee.

He started to turn around before I said anything even though there's no way he could've heard me. "Oh hey." He looks down at his hands.

"Do you wanna talk about it." I ask.

"We already did last night." He says quietly. His hands start shaking slightly.

"Not really Peter, you shouldn't have to take all that shit at school everyday." I lean against the counter standing next to him.

"I told you, I don't want it happening to other people." He says.

"That doesn't mean you deserve to deal with that dick."

He shrugs still not looking at me.

"Peter." I say softly and lightly grab his chin and tilt his head so he has to look at me. "You don't deserve to be treated that way, you deserved to be loved."

"Maybe I don't though." He whispers and then walks away leaving his food.

I sigh. How am I supposed to show him that he deserves to be treated well and not the other way around.

*Time Skip to around Sunday afternoon*

Peter and I were sitting on the small couch in his room. He was doing some paper for Spanish and I was on my laptop working on an English paper for my online class.

"Hey Harley do you know what this says?" Peter asks, pointing to question on he sheet.

"Sorry darlin, I'm barely passing English, no way I could know another language." I say squinting at the words. It was true, I tried taking Spanish once and it went down hill fast so I decided I wouldn't learn any foreign language unless I had to.

"I'll be fine I'll just bride Ned into doing it or something." He says.

"Top student right there." I laugh.

When he laughs too I feel my stomach flip over. It was so nice when he smiled, it made it feel like nothing mattered anymore.

"Mr. Stark requests both of you in the lab." F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice come through some invisible speaker.

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