Unsub Sub

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Garcias started digging into Reid's past and as uncomfortable as she was, she knew that it was important to save Reid. As she dove into the digital world her computer overflew with info about her boy wonder. Her eyes widened at everything Spencer had been through, endless hospital stays and court days. As her eyes scanned the documents they all seemed so important so she called the rest of the team to hold a Reid conference.

"Baby girl you're on speaker" Derek announces as he picks up the phone.

"Is everybody there?" She asks

Derek takes a quick look around the room and answers 

"Yep, all good. What did you find."

"Okay so the first thing that I want to say is that boy wonder here has an insane amount of documents to his name from what I'm seeing we have multiple hospital stays due to bruises likely formed through bullying and here I have a court document for- Oh"

Garcias pauses as she reads through the document

*Sexual assault charges*

"Garcias" Hotch speaks up needing to know what Garcias had found.

"I- I'm not sure if sharing this is right sir.... It feels personal... Really personal.."

"I know but if it'll help find Reid I think we have to know"

"Okay well according to this, Spencer filed rape charges against someone names Keenan Bruly. He had won the case but Keenan was released- oh"


"He was released right when the murders started"

"Thank you Garcias I think we have our unsub" Hotch ended.


"Hey Hey Hey guys! S how are you? Just kidding I don't care."

Kennan eyes both men seemingly exhausted although he noticed that one expression Spencer had held on his face on the days where he was bold.

"S I know what you're thinking but you won't actually be getting out of this, at least not easily" He shrugged.

Spencer looked up and was about to speak when Keenan started the video camera again.

"Are you two ready? Let the games begin"


The BAU all huddled around the TV screen as the next video from Keenan played. They watched as Spencer cringed at an old nickname and as Liam wore a pensive look trying to get themselves out of the situation. Derek had tears threatening to fall out of his eyes when he suggested that maybe they should look into secondary locations that Keenan could be keeping his team mates.


"Okay here we go it's question time! I never really planned on you-" He eyed Liam "-Being here so you may feel a little left out but oh well! S! I will ask you a question, if you answer wrong I will beat you, of you answer correctly I will hurt you less. Capiche? Okay First! Why are you here?"

Spencer just looked at Keenan not really caring for this damn game show. He knew Keenan was disorganized, sure he managed to kidnap two FBI agents but that was the only 'impressive' thing he managed to do. Knowing his team it really should not take them long to get them. Spencer had not noticed how long he had been lost in thought for he was met with a punch directly to the face nearly knocking him out. He just held his head back up and stared absent mindedly at Keenan having suffered through many of his temper tantrums throughout the years. This was no big deal. 

As the questions went on they became questions that Spencer did not want to answer, at least not in front of Liam. Their answers were terrible so he kept his mouth shut and let himself get hurt by Kennan almost feeling as if this is what he deserved for putting Liam in this position.

"Did you like it"


"Wrong again. This right here is your fault"

Spencer didn't object. He knew it was true. He looked at Liam apologetically who had tape over his mouth after he had tried to protest Spencer's beatings.

"You know what?" Keenan said seemingly frustrated "this clearly isn't working and I'm getting sick of the puppy dog eyes in the corner. You answer my questions and I'll let lover boy go"

Spencer's eyes darted up and Liam shot Spencer a look begging him not to do this. As much as it killed Spencer he had to. He could not let the soft Liam who wants Spencer to eat pretzels, cares about his statistics and eventually wants Spencer to meet his mom to go through this. His eyes regaining strength and determination he answered.


Keenan looked surprised but agreed.

"Alright, let's try this again, one right answer sends lover boy running off to the BAU, besides at this point, I've gotten almost all that I've needed from you."

Spencer looked at him and wanted to tell him to just ask the damn question so he could get Liam out of here but decided against it hoping that maybe he could stay on this 'good side'.

"What are you?"

Thoughts ran through Spencer's mind. All the things Kennan had called him unimportant, a f**, a disgrace, inhuman anything and everything so he wasn't sure which one Keenan wanted. 

"Now S" he said impatiently

That's when it hit him, the one word that Kennan through at him all the time, to the point where he believed it himself.

"Insignificant and worthless"

Liam's heart broke at hearing those words come out of his Spencer's mouth. He wanted nothing but to hold him and tell him that it would be okay and that he would get them out of there but then as Keenan rung Ding Ding Ding, he realized that he was getting out of here. Spencer had bought him his ticket out. And he planned on using it to the fullest.

Keenan freed Liam and opened the door telling him to get out before he changed his mind, he had watched as Liam had a look of determination on his face as he left the area to race towards the station. Keenan looked at Spencer and said:

"Well we sure as hell can't stay here now can we".

Keenan packed up the tape and gave it to a new kid, this time for 30 bucks as long as he would run faster than the other kid.

Spencer relaxed a bit knowing that Liam was safe and prepared himself for what was to come because there was no chance Keenan was going to give up that easily.

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